“We know this is hard to see, but marriages don’t always work.”

I fight the urge to voice out loud that prolonged monogamy never works. But I bite my tongue. This is for Brenda to process. I’m just here to make sure they don’t overstep and push her too far. Brenda is passionate. So are my parents. And they all will fight for dominance. I guess all of us got that trait. If things got too impassioned, it could lead to a world war.

“But what does that mean? Are you both going to stay in this house? This town?” She wipes at her tears. The sight of her hurting has my jaw ticking. I don’t like watching her break like this.

“Yes, we will be staying here in this town, but your father is getting his own place in the next couple of months. We are so sorry, sweetie.”

“I don’t even know what to say.” My sister sniffles.

“We know. It will take some time to process this, but we are here to help in any way. We love you both,” my father adds.

“Theo?” Brenda calls out to me, seeming to beg for me to prove this is all a bad dream.

“I’m sorry you two couldn’t make it work. Brenda, if Mom and Dad aren’t happy, we can’t and shouldn’t force that on them. It will be okay. You will be fine,” I reassure her.

Dropping her head, she nods at her lap. “Yeah, I know you’re right. I just don’t want to stop our dinners and these moments where we can come together and unwind. Be an actual family.”

“We can still and should still do that.” My father glances back and forth between the three of us. I nod, agreeing to it, because I will most likely be gone before we even have another one of these… lovely and lively dinners. The job will be completed, and then I will go back home. It’s Brenda I worry about most. But as long as she has me, she won’t need to worry.

The only person I have a soft spot for is her. I’d never admit that to her, because her ego is already big enough when it comes to who is the superior sibling, but it’s true. I have a space open in my closed-off heart that is reserved just for her.

The night carried on peacefully, no tables being flipped, no having to play referee, so all in all, it was a nice dinner, and even I enjoyed catching up with my family. I ended up not needing to take my parents to separate rooms to talk, which worked in their favor. I’m too pent up. Too enthralled with the stresses of my job, and being back here and celibate, that I could detonate at any moment. This dinner played out in the best way it could for not just me but for my family.




“You grandfather helped build half this town.” Drawing my gaze away from the storefronts and to Jack behind the wheel, I smile sweetly.

“Really? Is that what he did? Construction?”

“Oh yeah, and many other things. He was in construction, investments… hell, he was a man of many trades. That’s why he is so well known here.”

“It’s a small town. Doesn’t everyone know everyone?” I question.

“True. I guess it’s more like, that’s why he was so well loved. He was always the first in line to help when anyone needed anything. Very selfless.”

I don’t respond to that. I can’t help but feel a tinge of resentment. Clearly, he knew of me. How come he was so willing to help and be the town’s shining star to everybody but his own flesh and blood?

He had to have known about my parents. He had to know they left me behind and that I grew up in the foster care system, occasionally staying with families until they’d have kids of their own and didn’t want me anymore.

“That’s the town grocer, not too far from your house. Walking distance. However, I know the owner of the car dealership on the other side of town if you’re wanting a new vehicle.”

“Thanks. It looks like my grandfather has a couple of cars in the paperwork. But I’m not sure yet. Still trying to process everything. I will let you know what I decide to do.”

“No worries. Most places here are within walking distance, so you should be good for your basic needs,” he informs me.

“Anything else I need to know about Cherry Hill?” I question as we pass the final building and drive past beautiful open fields with different crops—flowers, cotton, and so much more. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Truly. Most of the time, all I see is people, high-rise buildings, and trash thrown all over the ground.

“Not much. Everyone here is friendly and willing to help with whatever it is you need. I will leave my cell number with you, and you can call me whenever.” He pauses. “JD was one of my dearest friends. I know he would want you to feel as safe and comfortable as possible. You can count on me. Know that you at least have one friend here so far.”