I shook my head. “I’m here on a rather unhappy visit, I’m afraid.”

Chloe frowned. “Oh, no. What’s happened?”

“I threw a tennis ball at Mr Williams’ head.”

Her eyes widened as she visibly held back her amusement. “You did?”

“Sadly, yes. I’m afraid he wants me suspended.” I sighed. “What’s a girl to do?”

“Yes, you sound terribly distraught at the prospect,” Chloe said, her lips twitching as she fought a smile. “I suppose Principal Wolf will have to speak with you. He’s on a phone call at the moment, but have a seat, and I’ll let him know you’re waiting.”

I nodded and crossed the room to sit down. Principal Wolf was a stern, stoic sort of man. Like Chloe, he was a shapeshifter. His animal form was that of a large, scary-looking dog. Most students treated him with respect and no small amount of trepidation. I, on the other hand, didn’t fear him so much since he was a close friend of my mother’s. I’d grown up with him regularly visiting my house. He also used to be in a relationship with my aunt, Delilah, when I was little.

I was still sitting in reception when the bell rang, signalling the end of class. I heard determined footsteps approach a moment before Mr Williams appeared in the doorway to the reception area. He cast me a quick, irritated glance before bringing his attention to Chloe.

“Has Principal Wolf not spoken with Miss Cristescu yet?” he asked in a tight voice.

“He’s been on an important phone call, but I just informed him of the situation. You can go into his office now if you’d like to speak with him.”

“Very well.” Mr Williams strode across the room, knocking once before stepping inside and closing the principal’s door behind him. Nerves started to trickle in because Mr Williams would likely spin some elaborate tale to make me look like the bad guy.

A few minutes later, he emerged, looking victorious as he walked determinedly past me and out of the reception. Chloe shot me a sympathetic glance, but I just shrugged. Whatever awaited me, I’d deal with it as best I could.

Principal Wolf filled his office doorway then, his tall frame just a little bit intimidating.

“Darya, please come in,” he said, and I stood, following him into his office. His desk was made of dark wood, the walls lined with bookshelves. I sat on the seat in front of his desk and waited to hear my punishment.

“So,” Principal Wolf said, pushing a few folders aside as he met my gaze, “Mr Williams informed me of what transpired in his classroom today.”

I nodded, not responding.

“He’s suggested suspension, but I thought that a rather harsh punishment given that you’re typically a very well-behaved student. I suggested instead that you be moved to Mrs O’Quinn’s telekinesis class.”

“Fine by me,” I said. Mrs O’Quinn was a much more pleasant teacher than Mr Williams. Maybe I’d perform better under her less snobbish instruction.

“You will also pay Mr Williams a visit and apologise for your actions.”

I gaped at him. “Seriously?”

“Darya, you threw a tennis ball at his head. Given your strength as a dhampir, you could’ve severely injured him.”

“I’m not an idiot. I know how to temper my throws. The ball barely glanced off him.”

“Still, any kind of physical assault on a teacher is a very serious matter. You do realise that if you didn’t have such a good behaviour record, your punishment would be far more severe than a simple apology.”

I bit back my annoyance, swallowing down my pride as I responded. “Fine, I’ll apologise to him.”

“Very good. Now, you should get to class. You’ve already missed a good deal of your second period. I’ll take care of the transfer to Mrs O’Quinn’s class in the morning.”

I stood, reaching inside my bag and retrieving the miniature tennis ball before setting it down on Principal Wolf’s desk. He frowned. “What’s that?”

I arched an eyebrow. “It’s the tennis ball Mr Williams gave to me after he’d given every other student in the class a regular-sized one. I’m guessing he was making a sly jab at my poor telekinesis skills. In front of all my peers, no less. Some real classy employees you have at this school, Principal Wolf.”

I turned and walked to the door, hearing him sigh heavily at my departure. “Darya.”

I turned back around, meeting his gaze. “Yes?”

“Mr Williams failed to include that detail in his account.”

I gave a joyless laugh and folded my arms. “You don’t say. Did he also fail to include the fact that he hit me in the head while spinning his own tennis ball around the room, and that’s what started the whole entire thing?”

“He did mention that, but he said it was an accident,” Principal Wolf replied, looking exhausted. “Though, now that you mention it, it does seem rather suspicious that he would make such an error after singling you out with the smaller ball. I’ll speak with him on the matter and make him aware that treating students in that manner is deeply frowned upon.”