“They went to visit my aunt and uncle for New Year’s. They won’t be back for a few days.”

“Oh,” I said, frowning. I didn’t like the idea of her staying here alone if there was some creep out there watching her. “Well, do you want to come and stay at my house? We have more than enough room, and my parents wouldn’t mind.”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to cause a fuss. I’ll do as you said and lock all the doors and set the alarm.”

“In that case, I’m staying over. I’m not leaving you on your own tonight.”

At this, I saw the relief in her eyes. She was trying to play it down, but clearly, she was spooked. “Thanks, Darya,” she replied quietly. “You’re a good friend.”

“Hey,” I said, my voice soft. “You’re my blood donor. It’s my job to protect you.”

She nodded, and a few moments of quiet fell before she asked, “Do you want to feed now then?”

“Only if you’re feeling up to it.”

“I’m fine,” she said and sat back, tilting her head to give me greater access to her neck. Just like that, my hunger awakened. I could practically see the blood pumping through her delicate veins as I zeroed in on her neck. My mouth began to water.

I leaned in, taking a deep breath, and I noticed her shudder. Being bitten wasn’t an unpleasant experience. In fact, it was the opposite. Our saliva released chemicals that sent the human into a state of euphoria. Unfortunately, they became addicted to the bliss. Technically, Angela was a human, but she was also a witch, meaning she could enjoy the high while casting a simple spell afterwards to stave off addiction.

My fangs emerged, piercing her skin, and she gasped. As soon as her sweet, warm blood hit my tongue, a primal urge took over. I drank deeply, but not too deep. Several mouthfuls were usually enough to satiate me, but there was always the faint instinct to take more. We all had a beast inside us that we had to keep on a tight leash.

When I was done, Angela fell back limply onto the couch, her eyes staring into the distance as she rode the high. I used a napkin to dab the blood from her neck then went to check that all her windows and doors were locked. Once I was assured the house was locked tight, I carried her to bed and laid her down under the covers before going out to talk to Dad.

“Thanks for standing watch. Angela’s parents are away for New Year’s, so I’ll stay here tonight and keep an eye on things. I’m not comfortable leaving her alone right now.”

He didn’t look too happy about it, probably because he felt the same protectiveness for me that I felt for Angela. Strike that; my father was ten times more protective of me than I could ever be for my blood donor. I guess it wasn’t something I’d truly understand until I became a parent myself.

He pulled his phone from his pocket. “Okay, you can stay, but I’m going to station a few vampires around the neighbourhood tonight, and you’ll call me if you sense even a hint of danger.”

“Of course,” I agreed, returning to the house while Dad made his phone call.

If there were any new demons in Tribane, I was certain my father would locate them. He would leave no stone unturned, and neither would I. The question was, what did they want with Angela, and why were they hiding out in her back garden to spy on her?

I found a spare blanket and a pillow in one of the rooms upstairs before bringing them down and laying them out on the sofa. It wouldn’t be very comfortable, but I didn’t plan on sleeping too deeply. I needed to stay alert to listen for possible intruders.

The night passed uneventfully. I didn’t sleep much, but I was glad to have kept Angela safe. She came downstairs looking refreshed with plans to spend New Year’s Eve with her group of friends from school. I waited for her to get ready, then walked her to her friend Sharon’s house a few streets away, where they were having a small get-together.

“Are you going to see the fireworks later?” I asked.

“Yes, we’re all going to walk down to the water together,” she replied.

“Good. I might see you there. In the meantime, you’ll call me if anything happens?” I was still wary of leaving her, but I knew she’d be safe with her witch friends. They had more than enough magic between them to stave off an attack until backup arrived.

“I promise I’ll call you,” she said. “Now, go. I’m sure you have your own plans for tonight. I’ve already taken up enough of your time.”

“I always have time for you.” I squeezed her shoulder before she headed inside.