A shiver nearly dislodges me from the stool. It takes me two tries to find my words. “Yes.” I lift my chin, barring my throat to him. “I…” I don’t want to talk about Ethan, but at the same time, Sol is offering me a way to reclaim something I didn’t realize I’d lost in the first place. “Sol, I like it when you talk to me like that. It feels like you’re doing it in a way that’s not mean.”

It’s so tempting to leave it there, but it’s as if his presence propels honesty out of me. I swallow hard. “You make me feel cherished.”

“You are cherished.” He starts to say something else, but the sound of footsteps has him taking a slow step back.

No, not back.

He moves between me and the doorway.

I blink at his broad back for a long moment, but curiosity gets the best of me. I lean sideways just in time to see Ramanu stalk around the corner. They stop short. It’s difficult to tell without them having eyes, but they seem to take in the scene in an instant. A slow smile pulls at their mouth. “Someone’s been busy.”

Sol’s hiss sounds downright dangerous in a way I’ve never heard before. His crest flares wide. “Leave the things and get out.”

If he talked to me like that, I would have fled for my life. Ramanu just leans against the doorframe. “Impossible. The balm you don’t need me for.” They pause meaningfully. “Though I’m more than happy to assist in applying it.”

“Ramanu, enough.”

Their grin widens. “But the translation spell? That’s a trade secret. I’ll need to get up close and personal with your little bride to give it to her.”

The hissing sound gets deeper, almost like a giant rattlesnake.

I stare at Sol. It’s like he’s a completely different person. Distantly, I’m aware that this must be the territorialness he mentioned. I reach out but hesitate making contact. If he’s this angry, he might strike out.


I take a slow breath. If he’s hiding a violent streak that might be leveled at me, better to know it now. I don’t trust Ramanu, but they serve at Azazel’s will, and he promised my safety. If Sol strikes at me, no doubt I’ll be spirited away from him. It might not save my life, but I have to know.

I gently lay my hand against Sol’s back.

The reaction is instantaneous. His crest lowers, and he moves back into my touch. The aggressive body language doesn’t disappear, but he no longer seems in danger of attacking. I clear my throat. “Please, Sol. I would very much like to be able to enjoy your library.” The words come out hoarse with fear, but there’s not much I can do about that.

He half turns to look at me. “Very well. Ramanu, I suggest you work quickly.”

“’Twas beauty tamed the beast,” Ramanu mutters as they approach. They chuckle as if they’ve amused themselves and don’t bother to skirt around Sol’s still-bristling body. “This won’t feel pleasant, but it will be relatively quick.”

They sink onto the stool next to me and turn to face me, bracketing me in with their big thighs. Sol lets out another deep hiss and moves to stand at my back, close enough that I’m pressed against his chest, and he towers over us both. I’m rather closed in, but somehow, with Sol touching me, it’s not enough to cause me to panic.

Ramanu pulls out several strange-looking tools and grins at Sol. “Now your bride will have two bargainer demon marks. How delightful.”

“It’s ill advised to provoke me, demon.”

“So you say.” They move quickly, using their claws to slash open their forearm.

I watch, frozen, as they dip one of the tools into their blood. Without asking, they swipe my robe off my shoulder, and it’s only my body reacting on instinct that has me catching it in time to keep from exposing my breast. Sol lets out another hiss.

Ramanu, of course, ignores it and leans down, pressing the tip of the tool to my skin. It hurts. I wasn’t awake for the first translation mark, so I can’t speak to a comparison, but it feels like tiny teeth biting into my skin. I hold perfectly still, clamping my lips together to keep a whimper inside.

The demon keeps their attention on the dark red lines they’re inking into my skin. I’ve only caught glimpses of the new tattoo on my back, but this is in the same style. One last swipe that has me biting down a scream, and Ramanu sits back. “Don’t touch this while it heals. It will be fine by tonight. If you damage it and the spell doesn’t work, that’s not my responsibility.”

“Get out,” Sol rumbles.

Ramanu leans back slowly. “Don’t let your animal urges harm your little bride, lizard. It would be such a shame for you to lose your territory because you can’t control yourself.” They push to their feet and pretend to consider. “On second thought, rip her to shreds.”