I honestly don’t know. The thought of being exposed to that many people, to have some relative form of power and need to avoid missteps… It’s a lot. “I’m going to mess this up.”

He brushes back the few strands of hair that have escaped my updo. “Missteps happen, because we are not perfect creatures, but I’ll be here, and Aldis will be here, and there will be others. You’re not alone, Briar. The territory and its people do not hang in the balance on you being a perfect queen.” He hisses a little in amusement. “And if Azazel has his way, there will be lasting peace between all the territories, which will only lower the stakes involved.”

I frown. “You think we were peace offerings.”

“I think Azazel is playing a deeper game than any of us know.”

I consider the woman I met while in the demon’s tender care. He might have an agenda for the greater realm, but I have a feeling whatever is going on with Eve is significantly more personal. I do feel a bit bad for throwing her in his face earlier, but he’s a big demon; he’ll get over it.

“You’re likely right. But he’s not our concern right now.” I snuggle closer to Sol and wrap my arms around him as best I can. “Tell me again.”

He pulls me into his lap. “I love you, Briar.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that.”

“I’ll never get tired of telling you.”

I hug him tight. “I love you, too, Sol. I never thought I’d end up in an actual fairy tale with my very own dragon Prince Charming, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”



I used to think happily ever afters only came in storybooks. In real life, your Prince Charming is much more likely to hide secrets of a Bluebeard variety than actually be a paragon of virtue.

The past five years have proven otherwise, and I’ve never been so happy to be wrong. I press my hand to my round stomach and carefully pick my way along the park after Sol. He’s offered to carry me no less than four times, but despite it nearly being time to meet our baby, I’m more than up for the walk. It feels good to stretch my legs.

It feels even better to return to the place that started it all. Or at least started it all between me and Sol.

He reaches the clearing and waits for me to catch up, slipping his hand around mine as I come even with him. The space is transformed. There are banners and fabric cleverly woven around the trees in bright flower-like colors that manage to feel seamless. A line of lanterns creates a path to the sacred spring, and the areas on either side are filled with sturdy wooden tables that will be filled to the brim with food and drink tonight.

The keep is filled to the bursting with guests who have traveled to celebrate with us. The first time it happened about four months after I arrived in this realm, I was overwhelmed and nearly had a breakdown, but now I enjoy all the new faces and business. I’ll be happy when we’re back to our normal number of people, but it’s a nice change of pace.

I never get tired of feast days, though the preparation is exhausting. Doubly so now that I’m pregnant. The baby chooses that moment to kick, and I wince. “They’re very strong.”

“Of course they are. They have you for a mother.” Sol loops an arm around my shoulders and tucks me against his side. We spent four lovely years with just him and me. It was the right choice to wait, to create a new life together with a strong foundation before we brought a baby into it. To give our people time to adjust to me the same way I needed time to adjust to my new role working with Aldis to conquer the ever-present paperwork that running a territory generates.

But, eventually, Sol and I decided together that we wanted to try to get pregnant. And the trying was some of the most fun I’ve ever had. I smile now to remember it.

When we first found out I was pregnant, he went into the pestering version of the mating frenzy. Every time I turned around, he was trying to bundle me up in blankets, carry me places, and feed me. Truthfully, he’s barely relented in that care for the past nine months, even when I snarled at him. Maybe especially when I snarled at him.

I love my husband. Impossibly, that feeling seems to grow every day until I feel like I might burst with it. This whole life seems too good to be true sometimes.

“How did I get so lucky?”

Sol hisses lightly. “You say that like I’m not the lucky one.”