I’ll have more questions later. The curiosity that gave me a boost of energy is already fading. “Oh.”

“Come.” He moves to the edge of the spring, and I follow a few steps behind. This close, I can see the water is perfectly clear and there are natural steps leading down. Sol motions at them. “We enter separately and emerge as one.”

“This is your marriage ceremony?”

It’s hard to tell, but I think he’s biting back a hiss of frustration. “Yes.”

I frown at the spring, waiting for my earlier panic to surge forth. This isn’t anything like my last wedding. There’s no crowd of friends and family. No carefully curated color scheme. No walking down an aisle to a man I thought was my Prince Charming.

Honestly, it sounds more like a baptism than anything else, but I’ve never been overly religious, so that’s one of the few things about this scenario I don’t find triggering.

I can do this.

I nod slowly. “Okay.” He starts to move, but I throw up a hand. “Can I go first?” Descending to him might not be close to last time, but I’d rather not risk it.

Sol motions with his clawed and scaled hand. “By all means.”

It’s not until I’m carefully navigating down the steps that I realize the dress is going to be a problem. The layers of fabric go sheer as they hit the water.

Oh well. We’re about to be married and he wants to seduce me into having his children. I’m too tired to care about a little nudity. “This doesn’t mean anything.”

“It does to me.” He hesitates. “But no, this isn’t an invitation for anything but the marriage itself.”

There’s no use arguing. His compromise, if it can be called that, is enough to reassure me. I take a deep breath and finish descending into the spring.

The water is warm and comes to my chest. I don’t know why that surprises me. Nothing about this situation has been what I expected, so why should this? I trail my fingers through the water and turn to find Sol watching me.

His expression is too alien for me to read. I think I detect hunger, but is it sexual or violent? He hasn’t done anything to harm me, but we’ve been alone for a less than an hour. Surely he’s too smart to break his contract with Azazel so quickly? It took Ethan months before he started encroaching on my confidence, whittling away at me. That old saying about the frog in boiling water has more than a little truth to it. We’d been married three years before he hurt me physically the first time.

Sol moves, jerking my attention back to the present. He descends the steps smoothly, and I can’t help examining his body. His chest is very human, broad shoulders descending to well-defined pecs and a solid stomach. I should stop looking there, but curiosity sinks its claws in deep and drags my gaze farther south to where the water licks at his hips, molding his pants to his body. The intent way he watches me sharpens, and the front of his pants shifts.

Look away.

Stop staring.

I don’t. I stand there, frozen, and watch his cock harden just from the sight of me, from my attention on him. Except it looks strange and… I blink. “You have two cocks.”


My mouth works, but I can’t find words. Two. And they look to be in proportion with him, which means they’re massive. I don’t… What… “Two.”


His saying my name for the first time is enough to pull my gaze from his hips and up to his face. Sol makes a hissing sound that seems almost agonized. “You’re not making an offer to do more than look.”

It’s not a question. I have no reason to argue. He’s talking like he fully intends to honor Azazel’s promises, which boggles my mind. The curiosity coursing through me only gets stronger, but I wrestle it back under control. “Have you been with humans before? Are you even sure it will fit?”

“It will fit,” he grinds out.

So he has been with humans before. I frown but understanding dawns quickly. “Azazel really is clever, isn’t he? He gave you a taste before this with others.”

“Yes, but this bargain isn’t about sex.” He stalks past me, keeping a careful distance between us. “Now, stop talking about my cock unless you intend to do something about it.”

I snap my mouth shut against a horrifyingly flirty response. This man—this dragon—might be strangely intriguing, but that doesn’t mean I’m about to do more than look. Even if I were…


The consequences are too dire. It’s not worth it for simple curiosity.

Chapter 6


I don’t fancy myself particularly unrestrained, but this strange little human woman is testing my limits already. She stands here in one of our holiest of holy springs, her white dress transparent as the water licks at her pink nipples and has the audacity to stare at my cocks with something resembling desire.