Facing the darkened crowd, she lifted the mic. “Good evening, everyone. Allow me to welcome you to this celebration of my amazing luck of striking it mega rich, and true love. Please give a round of applause to my co-hosts, the Berdize sisters. If anyone makes a match tonight, all credit goes to them.” A condition of their aid.

Once the clapping died down, Jane motioned to the smoke show at her side. “Many of you probably recognize Beau Harden. A hometown hero eager to make some sweet lady’s dreams come true.”

“Jane,” Beau hissed with his teeth clenched.

She smiled brightly, ignoring him. “Beau has graciously agreed to plan—and attend!—a romantic evening with the highest bidder. There are only two requirements. You must be single and breathing. I kid, I kid. You only need to be single.”

Chuckles resounded throughout the room.

Since she’d promised to also make this a congratulatory bash honoring Tiffany’s upcoming nuptials, Jane added, “But before I receive the first bid, I’d like to take a moment to honor our own Tiffany Hotchkins for her recent engagement. Let’s raise a glass to Tiffany and Jake.”

While not exactly enthusiastic, most of the crowd played along. “To Tiffany and Jake.”

The spotlight, operated by Charlotte, swung to Tiffany, who preened and waved. Jake’s smile wasn’t quite as bright. Jane caught sight of Tony, Robby and Gus, too. They huddled around each other like co-conspirators.

What if they’d all worked together?

Eager to begin the car search, Jane motioned for Charlotte to flood the crowd with more light, then she gestured for Aubrey Berdize to take the stage and handed over the mic. One of the sibling’s workers rushed up to place a tripod on the stage. A sheet covered whatever topped it.

“Hey, guys,” Aubrey called amid cheers. “I gotta give a big, warm welcome to the patrons of Digging for Gold. This event is for you. Our way of saying thank you.”

Louder cheers rang out, some exuberant, some half-hearted.

“I know our ladies are ravenous for a go at Beau Harden, but I’d like to unveil our plans for The Tatiana Irons Memorial Garden on Main Street.” She tugged off the sheet, revealing a landscape design for a beautiful round planter, complete with river rock, decorative lighting, and delicate ironworks. A picture of a smiling Ana was clipped to the side of the poster. “The monument will be nestled in the northeast corner of the River Bottom Park.”

The crowd dutifully oohed and ahhed.

With the added light, Jane was able to scan the sea of faces as Aubrey pointed out elements of the garden. Tony had returned to the bar. Hmm. Abigail remained zeroed in on the “gold” nuggets. Jake whispered something to Tiffany, who grinned. Robby stared at the board–or Ana’s photo–with a mix of sadness and anger molding his features.

Either one of them was without a heart, or none of them were guilty. Could Jane have gotten this wrong from the beginning?

“All right. Let’s give another round of applause to Jane Ladling for agreeing to display her treasure,” Aubrey said, Jane’s cue to leave the stage and make a beeline for Fiona, who waited by the kitchen door as planned. “Now. Who’s ready to buy themselves a slice of man meat and win one of those nuggets as their very own?”

The throng erupted with genuine excitement.

Fiona greeted her with a smile, and together they hurried through the kitchen door while the masses were distracted. They passed a service station wild with activity as wait staff refilled their trays.

“Did you snag all the keys?” Jane asked.

“Two out of three. Robby was too guarded. Like a feral cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

Well. Robby was probably the killer, then. “We’ll enter his car, one way or another.”

“You bet we will.” Fiona held up a small, black velvet pouch. “Brought my lock picking tools. Never leave home without it.”

Jane gaped at her. “You keep lock picking tools?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

Nope. But she would from now on. “You know how to use them?”

A snort. “Hon. How else do you think I found out my second husband had an affair? His desk drawers didn’t stand a chance.”

Well. “I’ll take Jake’s sports car. You get into Tony’s sedan truck, and we’ll meet at Robby’s. If we don’t find anything, we’ll break into Gus’s vehicle too.”

Fiona nodded her agreement. “Sounds like a plan.”

Jane paused. “Be sure to take out your phone and video everything. We need to be able to prove we found what we find.”

Firm resolve entered the other woman’s dark eyes. “Good thinking. If it implicates us in a crime ourselves and we end up in prison again, so be it. Justice will be served!”

Agreed. “Go Team Truth!”

They exited the building and entered the maxed out parking lot, breaking apart to begin the search.


“Be FAB–Finally a Bride!”

Bridal Veil, Oregon - Kiss the Miss Goodbye