Beau’s friends had provided the gold nuggets. Spray painted rocks? Fool’s gold?

Fiona spotted Jane and rushed over, resplendent in a bold red gown. “There you are. Guests are lining up at the door, and they’re getting restless. Shall we let them in?”

“As soon as Charlotte or Aubrey give us the go ahead.” The pair stood off to the side, heads bent over a checklist.

Beau might be a fearsome military vet, a catcher and releaser of graverobbers, and an all-around good-guy baddie, but dread flared in his eyes. “Is it too late to cancel the auction?”

“Yes,” Fiona and Jane replied in unison.

“According to the Headliner,” Fiona continued, “everyone from recent college grads to grandmas are waiting for their shot at you, Beau. Go out there and prepare yourself to greet each person as they enter. Be sure to dazzle them just like we taught you and run up those bids.” She pushed him toward the front doors.

As he stomped off, she grinned at Jane. “However you got Beau to agree to wear Gary’s suit…I approve.”

“If only Conrad was so easy to convince,” Jane told her friend, and they shared a giggle.

Though her boyfriend had refused to show solidarity with Beau and don her Pops other favorite leisure suit—a powder blue beauty—he’d worn a gold tie to match Jane’s dress. Speaking of, where was Conrad, anyway? He’d been here a few minutes ago.

“All right, places everyone,” called Charlotte Berdize, clapping her hands as servers hurried inside the room to take their posts. “I’ve been alerted by the front desk. The lobby is nearly over capacity, so we must get this show on the road.”

Right. Show time! Tonight, Jane caught a killer. Or at least tried.

A door in back swung open, and Conrad strolled inside. As he closed the distance, he had eyes only for Jane. Jane, on the other hand, had eyes for the woman who wasn’t far behind him. Agent Hightower, who wore a tight black dress perfect for her curves.

The moment the pair reached Jane’s side, she hugged Conrad and whispered, “You invited her to my sting operation?”

Taking her hand, he said, “We’re all on the same team.”

Not exactly the denial she’d hoped. But, as his spice-scented warmth enveloped her, she forgave him for the horrendous crime.

Hightower nodded a greeting, her features devoid of emotion. “Hello, Jane.” Her tone was devoid of emotion, too.

Some of Grandma Lily’s advice rose to the surface of her mind. Always be a lady—until you need to be a warrior. Now was the time to be a lady. A gracious hostess. Jane forced a smile. “Hello. You look lovely today.” Truth.

Now the agent blinked with surprise. “Thank you.”

“If you’ll excuse us,” Conrad said to the agent and Fiona. With a hand on Jane’s lower back, he led her toward the front doors, where Beau greeted guests as they poured inside the room.

Oh, look. There was Gus, the guy she’d met at Digging For Gold. Robby’s friend. He’d brought a date. Not the same girl he’d left with after speed dating.

He spotted Jane and led the petite blonde on his arm in the other direction. Oops. Hmm. Maybe he ran from Conrad? It might be prudent to keep an eye on Mr. Gus tonight, along with the other three.

When Conrad steered her to the right, she frowned. “Where are we going?” A waiter passed by, and she almost grabbed a glass or two of peach julep. Not tonight, Jay Bird.

“We’re walking around so I can keep you to myself before the chaos ensues.”

She swallowed a groan. “Hardly. You want to give me some commands and warnings.”

“No commands or warnings. I’m beginning to accept your adrenaline junkie ways. You’ll have to accept the fact that I will always, without exception, do everything I can to protect you.”

That was the second time he’d mentioned the adrenaline junkie thing. But he couldn’t be more wrong. She preferred a quiet life…didn’t she? “I won’t ever complain about your protection. Allow me to offer a suggestion, however. In books and movies, the heroine’s protector is usually shirtless. It’s so their muscles scare the bad guys away. You should consider this kind of strategy.”

He barked out a laugh. “Never change, sweetheart.”

The rusty sound sparked a white-hot flush that traveled over every inch of her skin. Better change the subject before she melted. “So. Did Hightower share anything more about what she’d learned during the interview with Robby?”

Not missing a beat, he replied, “Only that he blamed you for everything.”

“He did what now?” Oh, the nerve of that man! Well, speak of the devil… Robby entered the ballroom with a girl Jane had never met, preceded by Abigail and Landon Kirkland, shovel guy.

First target acquired.

Both women wore puffy yellow ball gowns. Better to hide the gold they hoped to steal? Even as Jane bristled, she pasted a cheerful smile on her face. She’d known that bunch would take the bait.