“Don’t worry.” Fiona placed multiple mountains of hotcakes on each side of the table. “There’s more batter when we run out of these.”

Rolex jumped down, hissed at Beau’s friends, and sauntered off without biting or clawing. It was such a precious moment. Tears sprang to Jane’s eyes.

“Eat, eat,” Fiona commanded, placing a gravy bowl filled with warm syrup next to the hotcakes.

Team Truth and sidekicks dug in. Jane studied Conrad between shoveling bites of perfection, forking Beau any time he attempted to steal someone else’s portion of the stack, laughing as Fiona regaled the group with the latest town gossip. Her special agent watched everyone at once, and he listened intently, giving nothing away. Well, not nothing. Twice he almost smiled or frowned; she wasn’t sure which. But either way, her heart swelled. Not a single thing in the world beat this. Good food and better company. Or good company and better food.

Sometimes the living weren’t so bad, after all.

“All right,” Fiona said when the last crumb vanished. “I call this meeting of Team Truth to order. We’ve got a party to plan.”


“Nothing wrong with a taste test!”

Whynot, North Carolina - Whynot Find Love Gathering

5 Matches Made!

Jane paced outside the door of a supply closet, her party mere minutes away from kick off. The Manor’s kitchen provided a chaotic backdrop behind her, a chef and an array of wait staff puttering here and there, preparing trays of hors d’oeuvres.

With the help of the Berdize sisters and funds from Beau, Team Truth had booked and transformed the inn’s event room into a veritable paradise of promised glitz and glamor. They used the Headliner for good this time—getting word out about the party. All last minute, all worth it. There’d been one itty bitty problem, however. Beau’s outfit. He’d arrived in something similar to his attire for the speed dating event—shorts and flip flops and that just wouldn’t do. Expecting such a travesty, Jane had prepared and grabbed an appropriate substitute before leaving the cottage.

“This is the last time I cave to your demands,” he grumbled behind the door as he changed. “Next time, I’m putting my foot down. I mean it.”

“And I promise I almost believe you,” Jane responded, pausing and anchoring her hands on her hips. “Well? Let’s see you.”

“There was nothing wrong with my clothes.” The knob turned, and Beau pushed the wood slab out of his way. “My T-shirt didn’t make me want to crawl out of my skin.”

Jane ran her gaze over the chocolate brown ensemble with wide, white stitching. The crushed velvet jacket was a bit too small, yet the ginormous pockets more than made up for it. The matching bell-bottom pants might be a... smidge too short. But with his collar popped, Beau’s incredible style could not be denied. Much better.

“I was absolutely correct. Pops’ clothing has character and looks amazing on you,” she praised, giving him the classic turn around and let me see the back signal.

He glowered down at her. And he did not turn around.

Jane herself wore a shimmering gold taffeta creation with spaghetti straps, a scooped bodice and a short, flared skirt. A braided bun rested against her nape and showed off a small golden hat.

“How is this glitz and glamor?” he demanded, holding out his arms in a universal sign of exasperation.

“Um, how is it not? You’re wearing the majesty of the seventies, bud. Think of yourself as an eccentric, jet-setting trendsetter.” She moved to his side and patted his bulging bicep. “You’re about to set the fashion world on fire, probably.”

“If you say anything about the tight fit… ” He gave a little growl and held both hands over his groin area.

She bit the corner of her lip to halt a laugh. Or to give him any clue that he might be, well, right. It was a very tight fit. “First of all, you’re welcome. You’ll earn more at auction now, guaranteed.” She looped her arm through his and proceeded to the ballroom. “C’mon. Let’s go catch ourselves a killer.”

He complained as they proceeded down the hallway. She didn’t catch full sentences, but she definitely detected words like “ridiculous” and “never again.” He went quiet as soon as they reached the event room’s entrance.

Jane surveyed the fruit of seventeen hours of frenzied hustle. An ivory and gold balloon arch led to a spacious ballroom with twinkle lights that dangled from the ceiling in cascading tiers. In back, a long table offered a feast of mini desserts, each seemingly dipped in molten gold. Smaller tables with huge floral centerpieces offered guests a place to mingle. To the left was a backdrop for selfies. To the right, an open bar, thanks to Beau and his mysterious fortune. And in the middle waited a dais with three podiums where Jane’s “treasures” were displayed in clear, locked display cases guarded by Isaac, Holden, and Trick.