Now the widow flicked a quick glance toward Jake, who lifted his shoulders as if to say: You decide, babe.

Okay, time to cinch the deal. “Did I forget to mention this is also an engagement party? For the two of you. Because we are celebrating love, and yours is the gold star of relationships.” Playing her part, Jane slapped a hand across her mouth as if she’d let something slip. “Surprise?”

Intrigue lit up Tiffany’s eyes. Yes. I’ve got her.

“All right. We’ll be there,” the widow said. “We probably won’t stay long, but we’ll definitely make an appearance. You’re auctioning off a nugget of gold?”

“Yes.” And that wasn’t a lie. Beau’s heart must be made of gold. “Wonderful.” Then Jane’s phone rang. Grateful for the interruption, she dug the cell out of her pocket and held up an index finger. “This is Rolex’s babysitter, so I better take it. Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves.”

Slinking in her seat, she pressed the device against her ear and whispered, “Is something wrong?”

“We caught them,” Beau said, triumphant. “We caught the Waynes.” A shout sounded in the background, and he cursed. “Or not. Just get here.”


“Single for the very last time!”

Lovington, New Mexico - Lovestruck Celebration!

15 Matches Made!

“They got away,” Beau said, his voice flat and shoulders hunched in shame.

Jane hesitated on the cottage porch steps, Conrad at her side. Night had fallen, the world behind them covered by a thick veil of darkness. Crickets and locust sang in the background, the perfect accompaniment to the magnolia scented breeze.

Beau and a dirt-streaked Fiona stood where Ana’s body had been found, both illuminated by the bright light that spilled from the windows. Rolex watched from inside the house, splayed across the pane.

“The guys are searching the grounds,” Beau continued, his hands balled, “but it’s not looking good.”

“What happened?” With a hand on her lower back, Conrad encouraged Jane to make the rest of the climb.

Fiona winced and raised her hand. “I might be at fault for this. But how was I supposed to know a surprise visit to leave some yarn on your porch could cause so much trouble?”

Beau massaged his temples, frustration stamped on every feature of his face. “There were three trespassers, each wearing a ski mask and carrying a shovel. They came on foot and headed straight to Autumn Grove. We let them do it. The plan was to give them enough space to set up and catch them in the act. They didn’t falter, just started digging up the plot with the weeping angel.”

Plot 51. It housed a coffin marked by the Order of Seven. Of course the trio had gone there.

Forgive Abigail for nearly desecrating Jane’s home a second time, as Tiffany had suggested? Over my dead bodies. “Go on.”

“The moment they unearthed their first shovelful—which we’ve already fixed—we swooped in. There was a chase. We corralled them.”

Jane imagined the scene. Four ex-soldiers, calmly and efficiently cornering the threat.

“Then I arrived,” Fiona said, wringing her hands. “The boys were so focused on protecting me, they lost the Dirty Three–the Tri-Squad? You’re so good at naming the criminals, Jane, so I’ll leave that up to you. Anyway. They escaped. I tried to help catch them and got tackled.” The tension melted off her as a dreamy sigh slipped out. “It was pretty much a highlight of my life. That Holden is powerful, isn’t he? Almost as strong as Sheriff Moore.”

“The Three Maskedateers?” Jane offered. “No, that’s far too friendly, considering the crime. I’ll keep thinking.”

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something perfect.” Fiona took in Jane and Conrad, standing so close, and grinned. “How was your date?”

Apprehension thrummed from Conrad. Okay then. Still not happy about that impromptu party announcement. Noted.

“Well.” Jane removed her hat to busy her hands. The “Press” placard she’d tucked inside the satiny band fluttered to the porch as if to proclaim play time’s over, kids. “I kind of promised to throw a party tomorrow night to celebrate all the gold I might have suggested I found.”

“Suggested?” Conrad sputtered.

“And I may have also bragged about auctioning you off for a date, Beau. So. You know. It could have gone a little better.”

“You did what?” Beau demanded.

“Don’t worry,” Jane told him, brushing their worries aside with a fluttery wave. “I’ll invite Eunice.”

“Oh, this is brilliant.” Grinning, Fiona pressed a hand over her heart. “Absolutely brilliant.”

Jane beamed at her. “Thank you for noticing. Unlike some people.” A quick, expectant glance at Conrad. Nope. No better.

“Let’s hear what you hope to accomplish with this party,” he said, his voice tight.

“Our prime suspects were about to skip town for three months.” Jane spread her arms. “If one is a murderer, the other should know it.”

Conrad ran his tongue over his teeth. “Our?”

She looped her arm through his. “We’re a team, remember? All of us. Team Truth. This shindig might not go as smoothly as last time—”