Or Ana had done the stealing herself and blamed him. Or Robby had lied because he was the thief.

Robby the Robber. It just fit.

“That’s truly awful.” Fiona petted Blake’s hair. “But there’s more, isn’t there, sugar?”

“Oh, yeah.” He laughed without humor. “My wife thinks I spent the money on another woman. As if I would ever. Yes, I considered it once, but I didn’t do anything. Clara is leaving me anyway. Someone must have stolen my ID,” he repeated, growing angry again. “That’s the only explanation. I thought I lost it, so I got a new one. But the thief must have used the old one, pretending to be me. Because I did not walk into my bank and withdraw every cent I own. I don’t care what the footage shows.” He plowed a hand through his hair. “I didn’t do it.”

Well. He certainly appeared sincere. And if he was?

“Footage?” Jane asked.

“Bank cameras show I was there. But I wasn’t,” he insisted.

“I’m sorry for your troubles,” Fiona said, all grandmotherly comfort. “And I’m sorry there’s nothing I can say to make it better. Except this. If you’ve ever had a hankering for older gals, you could go out and find yourself a new woman. A sugar momma. Perhaps a lady I know. Her name is Irma.”

Jane pinched the bridge of her nose. Fiona and her matchmaking tendencies. She just couldn’t resist, could she?

“I want my wife back,” Blake said.

“Understandable,” Fiona replied. “But if you change your mind, Irma would be a real confidence booster and help you get back on your feet. Then all your worries would disappear.”

At least for a little while, Jane mused. But back to the case. How could cameras show Blake in the bank, if he hadn’t been there? The answer eluded her. She only knew there was something here, and as the speed dating slogan prompted, she must only dig deeper to find the gold.


“Love at first heart leap!”

Lovers Leap, California - Leap Into Love Bash

49 Matches Made!

Conrad was folding a ladder on the cottage porch, bathed in golden sunlight as Fiona parked in the driveway. His well-worn jeans had a rip at the knee. A black crewneck T-shirt said this was a casual, carefree moment, but looking at him Jane felt...not casual.

“Don’t make that little sighing sound when he’s within earshot,” Fiona warned. “It’s like honey to bears. Right now, you’ve got your bear all caged up nice and tight. But that can change in an instant.”

Jane laughed as she reached for the door handle. “Why is he a bear in this scenario?”

“As if you don’t know.” Fiona winked. “And for the record, fun things can happen when a bear gets free.”

“Yes, but carnage can happen too.”

They emerged from the sports car, entering the warm evening light. Beau rounded the corner. Heading up the porch steps, he wiped his dirty hands together in a job well done.

“C’mon.” Fiona waved her forward. “Our men look hungry.”

“Starved,” Beau agreed.

Conrad peered at Jane with heat. “Ravenous.”

Shivers slipped over her spine. “Why don’t I whip something up quick from whatever I’ve got in the fridge?” She might have peered at her special agent a little too long as she climbed the steps. “It’s the least I can do to thank you guys for holding down the fort while we ran that, um, errand.”

He traced his tongue over straight white teeth and pushed open the front door for Fiona. His gaze remained locked on Jane. “You attended an open house in Atlanta, did you?”

“Oh...well...um.” She soared into the cottage on Fiona’s heels and made a beeline for the kitchen, calling, “I should start cooking.”

She hustled from the yellow fridge with a plethora of magnets to the counter and stove, gathering pots and pans along the way. When she dropped a piece of cheese on the black-and-white checkered floor, Rolex swooped in and snagged it. Was there any animal more adorable?

Soon the scent of pan-fried chicken, mashed potatoes, greens, corn pone, buttermilk biscuits and peppered-bacon gravy filled her cottage. Just the basics. As she worked, Conrad went over his case notes with her, solidifying her belief the speed dating/big break served as the catalyst for Ana’s murder.

When Jane finished the last dish, the group gathered at the dining room table and dug in. Everyone politely passed plates and bowls back and forth while Jane and Fiona explained what they’d learned from Blake.

“Were there any impromptu visits from the Kirklands while we were away?” Jane asked, glancing between Conrad and Beau.

Beau answered her with a lifted brow. “While I patrolled the grounds? No.”

Excellent. Jane returned her attention to Conrad. “Thanks for making sure Rolex ate yesterday and today. You saved me hours of whining.”

He spooned another serving of mashed potatoes. “I deserve a medal for my bravery. He hissed non-stop.”

“Yes, but did he scratch you?” she asked.