I’d acted like a total prick.

And did that stop me?


I’d just continued to basically ignore her for the rest of the work week. Problem was, I didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know how to explain. Had no way to break through the grief that got bottled in my throat every time she and I were alone.

It would only amplify it when she’d cast those dark blue eyes on me like she’d expected something different.

Something better.

When the only thing I’d felt was shame.

Even when she’d looked at me with disappointment, the draw we both were trying to ignore still had raged.

It was like her spirit was surrounded by a brick wall. Only that wall had a fuckin’ crater gaping open in the middle of it, and there was a part of her silently begging me to find my way through it.

Thing was, we both knew that weak spot shouldn’t have been compromised to begin with.

Thursday had been plain painful, nothing but feigned pleasantries and barely clipped conversations.



At least the whole proposal bit had provided a distraction. I’d cut out of work at noon on Friday to make sure I was at the school in plenty of time for the proposal, then Logan and I had taken Gage camping last night so Eden and Trent could spend the night alone together.

Eden thought we were camping tonight, too, and believed Trent was taking her out for an intimate dinner for the two of them to celebrate.

Little did she know intimate meant about every single person she knew.

“They’re gonna be so surprised that they get to have the best party in ever and ever.”

“That’s right. No thanks to your uncle Jud here. You know, since he never knows what’s right in front of his face.” Tessa sent me a saucy grin filled with some kind of implication.

My brow furrowed. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

She shrugged. “I’m just sayin’.”

“Just sayin’ what?”

She gave me a confused look that was just a little bit sketchy. “What do you mean?”

That frown deepened. Girl was talking in circles.

I didn’t get to press her, though, because Logan came striding in carrying a present and a grin on his arrogant face.

“The party is here. We may begin.”

Tessa rolled her eyes. “Um…the party begins when Eden and Trent get here, dorkface. Now get your butt over here and help. You were supposed to be here forty-five minutes ago to help set up.”

“I was having a bad hair day that turned into an awesome hair day.” Fucker looked at himself in the mirror above the mantle, touching the poof that he’d probably spent two hours perfecting. He made a bunch of ridiculous faces at his reflection before he turned, tossing out guns with his free hand. “Killin’ it.”

A grunt sprung from my chest. “I’ll show you killin’ it.”

He cracked a smirk. “My, my, testy. Seems to me someone here is in need of some lovin’. Too bad all the ladies come running to his baby brother instead. Damn shame.”

“Dream on.”

“Oh, I’m dreaming all right. Living it.”

I shook my head, holding back the laughter that wanted to rumble out.

Dude was ridiculous.

He set his present on the gift table before he waltzed our way as he took in the opulent room. He let out a low whistle. “I know who’s not paying tonight.”

Luckily, he was close enough that all I had to do was reach out to smack him on the back of the head.

“Dude. What the heck? Why so violent?” Logan spat it like I was in the wrong, that mischief playing around his mouth.

“Manners, man.”

With a roguish smile, he waggled his brows. “Only time I’m willing to spend this much money on dinner is when I’m getting something out of it.”

“Well, you’re not gettin’ dead, so there’s that,” I shot back.

Gage giggled like crazy. “Oh, you better watch it, Uncle Logan, Uncle Jud is about to Take. You. Dowwwwn.”

“That’s right, Gage in the Cage. Uncle Logan is about to go down.” I cocked my head at my crazy-ass brother.

“Pssh. You wish.”

“No wishin’ to it,” I grunted. “I speak facts.”

“Would you two knock it off? We have work to do,” Tessa scolded. “Logan, you put out the favors at each spot at the table. Jud, you set out the name cards. I have them in order, starting at the head of the table with Trent and Eden and working around the right.”

She shoved the stack at me.

“You serious?”

She had a freaking seating chart?

“Dead serious.” She sent me a glare.

Right. Of course.

Fuckin’ Pinterest.

In exasperation, I shook my head, but I figured I wasn’t going to win this one. I moved to the table set for twenty and placed the cards for Eden and Trent at the head of the table. Then I worked my way down the long side to their right, Logan, Gage, then me. Next to me on that side was a few of our employees from Absolution who’d become more like family. I rounded the opposite end then started up the other side where Tessa had sat some of Eden’s teacher friends, herself, Eden’s dad, and then…