“They sure do. Nothing but a swoon fest,” Mimi stated.

“Mimi,” I said again, holding back laughter and shaking my head.

“What? You know it’s true.”

I rolled my eyes and huffed. “Fine.”

It was true.

So true that I still didn’t know what’d hit me.

My life upturned. Upended. Set to right.

So unprepared for the joy we had found.

Tessa laughed from the other side of me. “Fine? Girl, you are legit on fire right now. About to go boom.” She made an exploding motion with her hands. “Like, your mad love has become some crazed love. It’s a little obscene, if I’m being honest. I think I got pregnant just sitting beside you. Get it together, why don’t you?”

I swatted at her arm. “Shush it.”

Grinning, she widened her eyes. “Never.”

Laughter floated, and my head shook as I sank back into the warmth and relished the way love poured through the summer day. The sky bright and blue and stuffed with plumes of white clouds.

Trent handed the football off to Juni.

“Go, Juni, go!” he shouted.

She started to dart up the lawn in the wrong direction. He was cracking up when he picked her up midstride and spun her around so she was facing the other way. “That way!”

“Oops!” She giggled and laughed and floundered her way down the lawn.

Jud was right behind her, lumbering slow, taunting her in his sweet way. “I’m gonna get you, Juni Bee.”

“No way, nots a chance. I’m ways too fast for you.”

He kept up behind her, staying a step away, and Juni screamed, “Touchdown!” when she crossed the imaginary line. Jud waited until then to tackle her. To wrap his massive arms around her tiny body and carefully topple them to the ground.

Juni giggled as he spun her so he was on his back and she was pinning him to the ground. “No way, too late, I already gots the points. Girls rules, remember?”

Gage flew their way. “I’ll save you, Juni Bee! We gotta hold him down.”

Gage dove on top of them, quick to change strategies as he pinned Juni between him and Jud. “Doggie pile!”

They both flopped over the top of Jud, squirming to hold him down while he playfully flailed.

“I’m going to take you out! One…two…three…tap it out. You’re done for, Uncle Jud!” Gage scrambled around to pin his shoulders to the ground while Jud continued to struggle, his laughter booming, his support and care so clear.

“Two against one, no fair! Gage in the Cage is getting too rowdy and strong for me. I’m done for!”

Then Juni edged Gage out and flattened herself over the top of Jud, clinging to his neck. “Don’ts you worry, Motorcycle Dad. I gots you, and I’ll protects you and loves you forever.”

Everything stilled.

Jud’s spirit and my heart and this love that had risen from the ashes to become the most beautiful thing.

Jud curled his arms around her and sat up, hugging her to his chest. “Forever.”


It was dark by the time we got back to the loft. Juni was fast asleep in the backseat of my truck, and her mother was resting in the seat next to me. Her head lolled back, that river of black cascading around her gorgeous face, toppling over her shoulders and caressing her cheek.

When I pulled into my spot in the farthest bay of the shop, I couldn’t help but do the same.

Reach out.

Trace the scar on her jaw.

Whisper, “We’re home, darlin’.”

A soft smile pulled at her mouth, and those eyes fluttered open.

Thunderbolts that were never going to lose their power when it came to me.

I was a goner.

Done for.

Hers until the end of my days.

I put my truck in park and shut off the engine, sent her a grin. “Wait right there.”

Hopping out, I rounded the front of the truck and opened her door, angling up so I could unbuckle her and help her out.

Salem sent me a playful smirk. “I can do that myself, you know?”

I touched her chin. “Now why would you want to go and do that when you have all of this to do it for you?”

I gestured at myself.

She giggled as I helped her out onto her feet. “Cocky, much?”

A rough chuckle came sliding out. “You have no idea.”

Her fingertips fluttered over my chest. “Oh, I think I might.”

I laughed, swung in for a quick kiss, gave a little swat to that delicious ass. “Let’s get you inside.”


My eyes narrowed.

Salem laughed, and my heart went to stampeding.

Every moment.

Every day.

Had no clue it could be like this.

I opened the door to the backseat and unbuckled my Juni Bee, pulled her sleeping frame into my arms, cherished what I’d been given.

Would never for a second take advantage of it. Forget the magnitude of this gift.

We crossed the shop, and I started up the steps behind Salem where she ascended in front of me.

It sent me back to that night close to a year ago, when she’d been soaking wet, and I had been wholly unprepared for what was getting ready to crash into my life.