It’s not me who moans this time, it’s Miss Violet. And when I look over at her, her glorious eyes are hooded with lust. Fuck. Yeah, she mouths. And this makes me smile as I grab her by the hair and pull her towards me until those plump lips are on mine and now it’s my turn to kiss her.

For a moment I forget about McKay. But he captures my attention when he tightens his lips over the shaft of my cock and grazes his teeth along my skin as he pulls off.

I hiss a little, then push Miss Violet away so I can look down at McKay. He’s got my balls cupped in his hand and his lips are slick and shiny. He stands up, eyes locked on mine, but then he turns to Miss Violet. Her expression is bright with wonder. What will he do? she’s asking herself.

McKay reaches for her billowy blouse and pulls it down her arms.

My fingers find her bra clasp between her tits and pop it open. Her breasts come loose, falling with the weight of themselves. I cup one in my hand and bend down to bring it to my mouth. She cries out when I bite her nipple, but she doesn’t stop me.

McKay pulls the zipper down her ass until her skirt falls down her legs in a puddle at her feet.

And then she is naked.

He turns her to me. Places her hand on my dick until she’s squeezing. And they pump my cock together as she kisses her way up to my neck until her soft breath is teasing my ear. I close my eyes and enjoy it, hearing the jingle of McKay’s belt buckle as he removes his pants. And the next time I open them, he’s naked as well.

McKay inches closer to me, his hands on my pants, pulling them down with my boxer briefs. When my clothes fall to the floor, I step away from them.

And all three of us are naked.

We take a moment to look each other up and down. Appreciate the beauty of ourselves.

And then Miss Violet takes each of our hands and leads us over to the couch. She smirks a little, looking over her shoulder as she urges me to sit down at the end. I do, and in that same moment, she bends over the armrest, inviting McKay to appreciate her ass, and lowers her mouth down over my cock.

McKay and I catch each other’s gaze and we can’t help it.

We smile, gleefully, like a couple of college boys who are just about to score.

He grabs her hips with both hands, tight enough to make her brown skin blanch white, and presses himself up against her.

Miss Violet comes up for air, but only long enough to say, “Yes.” And then her wet mouth covers my cock again.

“Fuck her, McKay,” I whisper. “I want to see you fuck her.”

He doesn’t hesitate. Just jerks his cock a few times, slides a finger between her legs to get her nice and wet, and thrusts his dick inside her.

She moans in my lap, her hot breath sliding down the length of my shaft. I close my eyes and just enjoy it. Just let all the stress of the past ten years go somewhere else.

This is what I want.

This right here.

The good life with McKay. Nice hotels. Expensive drinks. A beautiful woman between us. Never having to wonder if the girl down the hall is gonna kill me in my sleep.

And let’s face it. Indie will kill me. She won’t be able to help herself. It’s just who she is. Like those Cylons in that science fiction show McKay and I used to watch. They couldn’t stop who they were.

That’s Indie.

That’s my future with Indie.


And for sure, death is everyone’s future. We all go out the same way.

But she’s more than just death.

She’s my destruction.

McKay is fucking Miss Violet hard. Hard enough to bump her forward with each thrust so that my cock slides out of her mouth a little each time and she has to lick her way back down my shaft before he does it again.

I look up at him, find the ecstasy in his gaze, and this is the moment when I realize I’m gonna walk away again.

Old Home isn’t home anymore.

Home is McKay. That’s it. He’s all I need.

I reach up and place my hand on his forearm. He keeps fucking, but looks at me quizzically.

“I love you,” I say.

And he smiles. Then, without words, he leans over Miss Violet’s back and kisses me. And in that kiss he whispers, “You’re mine.”

He pulls out of Miss Violet, grabs her by the wrist, drags her around the arm of the couch, and pushes her into my lap.

Her pussy is dripping wet and my dick slides up inside her. She moans, throwing her head back. McKay grabs her hair, keeping her neck exposed for me. And he kisses her mouth as I grab her hips—making my own bruises over the ones McKay left—and fuck her.