This time, we’re here one reason only. Each other.

McKay lets out a long sigh, then turns his back to the devil sky and leans against the glass. “Hi.”

I laugh. “Hi yourself.”

“I feel like it’s been a long time.”

“A long time since what?”

He makes a face. “I’m still trying to figure that out.”

I make a face back. “If you start in—”

“I’m not gonna start in. I’m just sayin’. This feels like a date. A real date.”

I shrug. “So it does.”

“Are we going out to dinner?”

“No,” I say. “We can eat any time we want. We’re gonna go down to the private club, have some drinks, and pick up a woman.”

He smiles. Dimples pop out. And holy fuck, Core McKay is hot. Not only that, he’s mine. And there isn’t a damn thing anyone in this world could do to take him away. It’s a thing that just is. Me and him. Us. We are just… well, what we are. “A woman, huh?”

“I’ve heard you like them.”

He looks down, scoffing, then looks up again and his blue eyes look straight into mine. “You brought me to a five-star hotel in New Orleans so I could hook up with a girl?”

“You?” I smirk at him now. “No, McKay. Us.”

“Well.” He nods his head a little. “I’m… well, I was gonna say pleasantly surprised, but I’ve got to be honest, Adam. I’m way more than surprised. I’m fuckin’ intrigued.”

“It’s a good idea, though, right?”

“Yeah. I’m in. But I have a question.”



I walk towards him, closing the distance in three paces. I place my hands flat on the glass on either side of his head and look him straight in the eyes. “Because we like it, McKay. We like that dirty shit. And even though we don’t need anyone but ourselves, sometimes it’s nice to be needed.”

I kiss him. And when my mouth meets his, I press into him. Our chests, our hips, our thighs, our dicks.

Everything about Core McKay gets me hot. His voice, his eyes, his body, his cock, his hands. All of it. Everything about him is male. He is testosterone. He is muscle, and strength, and aggression. I want to be rough with him. I want to push him, and bite him, and rip his fucking clothes off. I don’t even know why, either. All my animal instincts come out when we’re like this. And I know, if I push him this way, he’ll push back.

That’s what I want tonight. I want McKay to push back. I want the animal inside him.

But I control it. And our kiss is not animalistic and aggressive. That comes later. When the woman is between us. When we become our primal selves.

Right now, I just want him to know that I’m in. Whatever he wants. Whatever he needs, I’m in. And I like it. I don’t even care what it is, if he needs it, and it makes him happy, I will like it. Not because I have to, either. But because I want to.

He knows this. He wants a girl and the idea that I brought him here to give him that makes him look at me differently.

I know he loves me. That’s not even up for debate. But does he want to sleep next to me for the rest of his life? Will I be enough to satisfy his love of the feminine? Because let’s face it, neither of us is gonna be submissive. I’m sure as hell not, and he’s not either. McKay isn’t even gay.

I laugh and pull out of the kiss. McKay’s eyes are shining bright with mischief. “What was that for?”

“I was just thinking about how you’re not gay.”

He laughs. “Shut the fuck up. Does this club have a dress code? You wouldn’t let me pack. Somehow I doubt they’re gonna let us in looking like swamp people.”

I pat his cheek and he responds by pushing my hand away. “Come with me,” I say.

He follows me into the bedroom and when I open the closet, and he sees the two garment bags hanging, he groans. “Tell me that is not a tux.”

I grin big. McKay hates the tux. But I think he looks fuckin’ hot dressed up. And besides, we’re filthy fuckin’ rich. If we’re gonna pick up a girl tonight, we might as well look the part. “Don’t worry,” I say. “I know how you like to wear them.”

And I do.

Because when we’re both ready, and staring at ourselves in the full-length foyer mirror, he’s missing a tie, and a jacket, and his shirt barely counts as buttoned. He looks like a man at the end of his night, not the start.

I love that about him too.

Me, on the other hand, I’m a fuckin’ tux model in a glossy magazine, that’s how I wear it.

It’s early still, but that’s OK. We’re gonna get drunk too.