And speaking of Indie, she says nothing as they walk. It’s just Nick and Wendy, chatting.

I note this because Indie Anna Accorsi is dangerous. I knew this. But she is proving to be the ultimate wild card in my plan to save Wendy and I don’t like that.

I don’t care what Nathan St. James thinks, he’s not in control of that girl. At all. Neither is Adam.

I’ve known enough of them over the years to spot the insanity. And sure, she came off quite articulate and in control during that phone conversation. She was playing me. But it’s an act.

I’m fairly certain that Adam is aware of this, but Nate? No. He’s too young to get it. And he’s lived his share of normal. Too much of it, really. He went to public school, for fuck’s sake. College—fuckin’ football scholarship. He had a couple years of dorm life, and Friday night lights, and friends who didn’t even know they were born slaves in a world of Company overlords.

And then the only girl he’s ever truly loved—the only girl a little Company boy like him could ever dream of being himself with—tried to kill him. While she was having sex with the other men in this house, no less.

I wasn’t here, obviously. But Nate told me what happened. How she beat the living shit out of him by mistake and then McKay was gonna finish him off, and didn’t. McKay called men who worked for me to get him out of the way without killing him, and that’s how Nathan St. James became part of my plan.

Well. I have to concede that Nathan St. James was never part of my plan, he was kinda sorta part of McKay’s plan, I guess. I just inherited him.

But Nathan is off script at the moment and I’m not quite sure where his loyalties lie.

I just know those loyalties don’t lie with me. If they are, I’ll eat my fuckin’ shoe.

I hear them stop up ahead and talk for a moment. There’s another path to my right, one that might take me out on the other side of them, so I go that way, stepping carefully like my life depends on it.

And who knows? Maybe it does.

A few seconds later my risk is rewarded with a mostly obstructed view of Nate, Indie, and Wendy standing in front of a tree house, lookin’ up.

Then they are climbing. One after the other, they spill into the little fort and disappear. I circle around so I have a better view. They just lie there. Feet a little bit sticking out. Wendy, Nate, Indie in that order.

What the fuck are they doing?

I catch a few giggles. Some low talking. But that’s it.

My phone buzzes in my cargo shorts. I pull it out, silence it, and watch the feet above to see if they heard.

If they did, they don’t care.

I check the screen and see that Merc has called.

As much as I want to stay out here, I’m gonna blow my cover if I don’t get back to the kitchen and make Wendy some breakfast. She won’t stay out here long.


She won’t.

I’m the only thing on her mind. I’ve made sure of it. She’s up there in that tree house probably thinking she needs to get back. So whatever they’re doing, they won’t be doing it long.

I head back down the path and once I’m sure I can safely make a phone call, I press Merc’s contact.

“Where are you?” he growls.

“In the woods. Why?”

“What are you doin’ out there?”

“Following people.”

I think I catch a little huff of a laugh from Merc. But he pulls it together. “So what is the plan?”

“Which specific plan are you referring to?”

“Is there more than one?”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Always, Merc. Always.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m thrilled to hear it, but whatever. We’re gonna do this Donovan thing or what? And can I count on you? Because if you’re here for some other reason—”

I cut him off. “I didn’t lie. You know why I’m here.”

“Wendy.” Merc is a smart guy. Not like Adam is a smart guy, either. Not even like I’m a smart guy. Merc is a special kind of gifted genius. And that’s not all. He’s not just a theoretical guy, like a brainy physicist. He’s tactical too. I respect Merc for that. I’d always want him on my side, if one were choosing sides. So I’m not surprised that he’s figured this part out.

So I say, “Yeah. Wendy.”

“She’s his too? Carter’s, I mean?”

“I don’t think so.” And this is the truth. “But one cannot be too sure.” Suddenly, I want to tell him everything. I want to tell him about how much I love her. And how sick she really is. And how scared I am. I want to tell him all these things because I know he’s feeling the same way. Probably not as acutely as I am, because he still believes his girls and my girl, they are not the same. But he would understand my fear.