Page 86 of Campus God (Campus)

“I don’t think I’m better at all. My point is if you’d actually cared for Brooke, then you wouldn’t have put your relationship at risk.”

“You want to pick some bitch over me, go for it. We’re done here.”

Before I can attempt to walk him back from the ledge, he spins away, stomping toward his bedroom and slamming the door. It rattles on its hinges before an uncomfortable silence settles around me.

I don’t necessarily want to leave our relationship fractured this way, but I don’t think there’s any point in trying to reason with him. At least not now. Andrew needs to calm his ass down. Although, after that conversation, I’m not sure if he’ll ever come around to my point of view.

I knew that was a possibility when I decided to move forward with Brooke. As much as I hate that my friendship with Andrew has been blown apart, I don’t regret my relationship with her.

Not for one damn second.



My eyelids flutter open and I find myself draped across Crosby’s chest. Ever since the blow-up with Andrew, he’s been sleeping at my apartment. I can’t say that I don’t love it. If this is what my new normal looks like, I could easily get used to it.

Last night, we had sex twice before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

The first time had a frantic quality to it. We tore at each other’s clothing with desperate fingers before tumbling onto the mattress. There’s nothing like the feel of his hard body stretched out across mine, pinning me in place. One quick thrust and he was buried deep inside me, driving us both toward an orgasm that sated the need pumping wildly through both of our veins. Even though it took all of five minutes, we were both breathing hard and laughing by the time he rolled onto his back.

The second time couldn’t have been more different. There was a deliberateness to the act. Gentle thrusts, all the while holding each other’s gazes before leaping off the precipice. I could feel the bond between us already strengthening. Coalescing into something more.

In this moment, I can’t imagine being anywhere else. Or with anyone else. I realize it’s early, but I’m happy. Happier than I’ve ever been with any other guy.

I lift my head from his chest and allow my gaze to roam over his face. His eyes are closed, and there’s a sweep of dark lashes kissing his cheeks. He has a strong profile with a straight nose and full lips. Kissable lips. A shadow of stubble covers both his chin and cheeks.

And don’t even get me started on that lip ring…

Desire slides through me like warmed honey before settling in my core as his chest rises and falls with each steady inhalation. It would be all too easy to lay here, snuggled up, staring in fascination for hours.

Careful not to wake him, I reach over and swipe my phone from the nightstand. Even though I didn’t get much sleep last night, I’m wide awake. I scroll through my email, Snapchat, and Insta until he finally stirs.

It takes a few seconds for his lashes to lift as he stretches his powerful body beside me. The sheet slides down his abdomen as his muscles ripple with movement. It’s enough to make my mouth turn bone dry and forget all the thoughts filling my head.

“Morning,” he murmurs.

His voice is all low and raspy. It strums something deep inside, and my belly hollows out in response. It seems crazy that I just had him last night and could want him again so quickly. All he has to do is glance in my direction and I turn into a puddle of need.

Unable to resist the lure of his lips, I lean over and kiss him. My tongue darts out to gently suck the silver hoop into my mouth before whispering, “Morning, sunshine.”

He smiles as an easy chuckle escapes from him. “What time is it?”

“Seven. There’s no rush, you don’t have to get up for a while.”

How sad is it that I already know his schedule?

Don’t answer that.

“Good. I’m tired.” When he rolls onto his side to face me, I set down the phone and sift my fingers through the soft strands of his hair.

With barely cracked open eyes, he reaches out and strokes his thumb over the curve of my cheek. “I was thinking we could go out to eat tonight.”

Another burst of happiness explodes inside me. It’s strange to think that we no longer have to hide our relationship. We can go out and grab dinner, go to the movies, or walk around campus holding hands. It no longer matters who sees us. Maybe there’ll be some fallout when Andrew’s friends and a few of his closer teammates discover what’s going on, but we’ll deal with it just like we’ve handled all the other obstacles in our path.