“He said that?”

“Yeah. That’s why she was homeschooled. Too dangerous or so that’s what her father filled her head with, but we know he only did it to trap her, to make her feel like he’d been her only safe harbor. The boy was just starting to get worried about his father’s behavior. I don’t think he would have been safe for much longer either. He told me that his father started having his son lift weights and would take him on short runs.”

I knew a lot of this, suspected the rest, but hearing it confirmed only made the anger in me fester. I polish off the glass, but I don’t refill because I need to eat with my woman. A plan has been formulating in my mind since I first saw her picture and Grigor has been working on the finer details for me.

I’m not going to be just satisfied with Tomas’s death. No, he was just one of the many. My woman asked me if I would protect my family and I would. She still had demons to slay.

“Well, when it comes to her brother, as long as he respects my bride and my rules, he’s welcome to finish school and pick his career of choice, even if that isn’t with us.”

Grigor tilts his head in surprise. “Really?”

“I’ll do anything to make Daniella happy, and that includes taking care of her little brother as if he were my own.”

“Good man. So speaking of the bride…when is the wedding?”

“Tomorrow, as scheduled yesterday. I won’t wait any longer and I told her so.”

“By the way, I have the information you asked for. We’re in, and if you’re still interested, I have an idea.” We talk about his plans, and I’m smiling by the time I leave my office to find my woman. I wonder how she’ll feel about the idea.

As we enter the dining room, Daniella smiles at me, and then Tomas looks nervously in my direction before looking to Grigor. With a nod from my old friend, the young man calms down a bit. I’m guessing Grigor has a protégé on his hands—or his own little puppy dog. Either way, I am fine with that because the only one I want to spend time with is Daniella.

I cross the room and drop my head to kiss her lips softly. “How is your dinner?”

“Wonderful. It’s my favorite.”

“I’m glad it’s to your liking.” I lean in and whisper so that only she can hear me, “We have important matters to discuss later, but first I must tell you that after my meeting I’m feeling extremely territorial, and I want you riding my dick right now.”

“Konstantin,” she hisses, blushing prettily as she attempts to hide the pretty pink stain on her rosy cheeks. I want to lick them and then follow a path down her body to between her thighs where I know they’re drenched just for me.

“That’s what I want to hear from your lips,” I growl, stealing another kiss before taking a seat. Her brother stiffens in his seat. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m practically ready to fuck his sister at the table or because he’s still scared of me.

“Come, Tomas, you must relax. I am not your enemy despite how our acquaintance began. Your sister and I are marrying in the morning, and I’d really like for you to give her away to me. Do you think you could handle that?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t make a scene. As much as I want to be civil with the young boy, I have an organization to run and I can’t have him making me look weak if he has a smart mother fucking mouth.

“I don’t have anything nice to wear.” His eyes look down in embarrassment and I feel for the kid. It’s a fucking humbling experience to admit something like that.

“Don’t worry. The tailor will be here in the morning to fit you nicely in a decent suit, but are you up to the task of making sure your sister is given to a man who will make her happy?”

He lifts his gaze and suddenly there’s a steely determination in his eyes. “Are you sure you’re up to the task of keeping her happy?” That’s the bravado I want to see, but I still have to remind him of his place.

“I will do everything I can to please my wife, even if that means putting up with a shitty teenage boy who I’d rather send to one of my factories in Russia instead of letting him stay in my home,” I answer with a smirk.

“Then I suppose I’m up to the task.”

“Konstantin,” Daniella scolds me. Fuck, my dick is so hard with the way she says my name in a huff. I want to grab her hair and toss her over the table to drive into her tight pussy. I turn to give my attention and a smile letting her know all is well, but inside, I’m dying to let loose on her supple young body until we’re both too sated to move.