“I’m up for a girl movie,” I say as I stand.

“I’m really pissed that you never told me this little secret before, so I, too, could go into your line of work and feel up hot dudes all day.”

“There are some things I have to keep for myself.”

“You’re a better friend than that, Liv.”

I laugh and take her hand as we walk down to join the others for the movie.

“I’ll make you extra popcorn, just the way you like it, to make it up to you.”

“Fine.” She sighs deeply, then laughs. “I wonder if we have any M&Ms.”

“I think we can scrounge some up.”

Chapter 5


“I’m so glad you called and suggested we come out for a while,” Kelly says with a wide smile. She and Jamal just came off the dance floor. “We haven’t done something like this in a long time.”

“The nanny wasn’t impressed,” Jamal says and sips his water. Jamal hasn’t had a drop of alcohol since college. He’s too in tune with his athletic job to take on the calories and side effects of alcohol.

But he loves to dance.

“She didn’t mind,” Kelly says with a shrug. “The baby’s just sleeping anyway. So, Vaughn, how are you?”

“Me?” I shrug my shoulders. “I’m fine.”

Not exactly fine. I’m pissed and frustrated and generally in a bad mood, but that’s not Kelly’s fault.

“Are you bored yet?”

“Me?” I ask again. “I’m not bored. Why do you think I’m bored?”

Kelly exchanges a look with her husband. “Because you’re in Seattle, you’re alone most of the time, and I know you very well. Maybe better than you know yourself. You don’t enjoy being alone.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“No, she’s right,” Jamal says and reaches for the nachos in the middle of the table. “You hate being alone.”

“You’re both wrong.” I sigh and then look at Kelly. “Did you already cancel all of my engagements over the next few weeks?”

“I was going to send the email tomorrow.”

“Yeah, well, don’t. It’s fine. I’m available.”

Jamal stops chewing. “Why?”

“It didn’t work out with the costume designer.” I shrug again as if it’s no big deal.

Jamal and Kelly stare at each other and then bust up into hilarity. Kelly laughs so hard she has to wipe tears from her eyes.

“I’m so happy to see that you find this amusing.”

“She ditched you,” Kelly says.

“You don’t know that. Maybe I ended it with her.”

“Nah, if that were the case, you would have led with that,” Jamal says. “What reason did she give you? I gotta know.”


“Because I do believe that in the entire twenty-some years that I’ve known you, this is the first time you’ve ever been dumped.”

“Did she give you the whole it’s-not-you-it’s-me line?” Kelly asks.

“No.” I take a pull on my beer. “She ghosted me.”

They’re both stunned silent, and then they start laughing again.

“You know what? Fuck this. I’m going home.”

I stand to leave, and Kelly takes my hand, pulling me back down. “No, don’t go. I’m sorry, we’re being complete jerks. You’re right.”

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her laughter.

Jamal doesn’t even try not to laugh.

My friends are assholes.

I stare at Jamal until he calms down, wipes his face, and shakes his big, bald head. “Never thought I’d see the day, bro.”

“I’m fine, in case anyone’s wondering.”

“Wait.” Kelly sits back in her seat and watches me. “She hurt your feelings. Vaughn, I’m sorry.”

“No, she didn’t.”

She totally did, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I admit that to these two.

“What actually happened?” Kelly asks. “I need the details.”

“I went to her office today just to say hi. Kissed her, told her I’d see her later, and…she never showed.”

“Did you call her?” Jamal asks.

“No, I sent her a smoke signal. Of course, I called her, you idiot.”

“And she didn’t respond to your texts or calls?” Kelly says.

“Nope.” I sip my beer. “When I called the last time, and it went straight to voicemail, I decided to stop trying. I’ll be damned if I chase her.”

“You have no reason to chase her,” Jamal says. “A thousand girls are lined up behind her. Maybe more.”

“Trust me, I see his fan mail,” Kelly says. “There are plenty more. But that’s not the point. I could tell that you liked her, so I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

“It’s just one of those things, right?”

“Yeah, one of those things that don’t happen to you,” Jamal responds. “It’s going to be awkward when you have to work with her.”


I hadn’t even considered that. Yeah, it will be awkward as hell.

“And that’s why you shouldn’t try to date people you work with,” Kelly reminds us all.

“I didn’t date her,” I say defensively.

“No, you just fucked her. And that’s worse,” she says. “It’s a complete dick move. Anyway, good luck with that. Also, can you babysit tomorrow?”

I raise a brow. “That’s one way to change the subject.”