“No, I won’t.” Stella has tears in her blue eyes, which surprises me. She’s always struck me as the tougher one. “She’s worth all of this, you know.”

“She’s everything,” I reply and walk out while my feet will still carry me away.

“I want names.”

The CEO of TMZ just stares at me with arrogant humor. “Not going to happen.”

“Listen, I get it, okay? I’m newsworthy. So write or report or whatever all you want about me. But Olivia didn’t sign up for that, and having one of your reporters contact her on her private line to inquire about her private life is absolutely unacceptable, and you know it.”

“A line was crossed there,” he acknowledges. “But you know this business as well as I do, Vaughn. We just sit on different sides of it. You having a new girlfriend is news, no matter who she is. Then, we find out that she’s Luke Williams’s daughter? That’s bigger news. My people will dig. That’s just how it goes.”

“What’ll it take for you to leave her alone?” I ask and shake my head when Stan scoffs at me. “Really. I want to know. It’s an honest question.”

“Well, it would take her not being with you. Or you not being Vaughn Barrymore anymore. But she’s in the business, even if it’s only in the background. Her father is Luke Williams, and she’s beautiful. Now that the door’s been opened, I don’t see it closing again.”

I nod thoughtfully. “I see.”

“I know you do. Of course, if you want to give us an exclusive—”

“No.” I stand and march out of his office, moving past his admin and through the bullpen where plenty of reporters take the time to snap my picture and call out questions.

I ignore them all.

When I’m outside, I hail a cab to take me across town to the hotel where I’m meeting with my agent and manager.

Mattias lives in New York and comes to LA twice a year to meet with me in person. He’s staying at the Chateau Marmont as he always does when he’s in town.

I walk up to the young woman behind the reception desk. Her eyes register recognition, but her smile is nothing but polite and professional.

“How can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Mattias Sunderland.”

“Of course,” she says and taps on her keyboard, then picks up the phone and calls up to his room. “Mr. Sunderland, I have Mr. Barrymore here to see you. Of course.”

She hangs up and smiles at me.

“I didn’t give you my name.”

“No need. I’m a fan. You can take those elevators, and you’ve been cleared up to the thirty-first floor. He’s in thirty-one-oh-eight.”


“My pleasure.” She smiles again, and I walk away and ride the elevator to Mattias’s floor. When I reach his room, the door’s already open for me.

“Come on in,” he calls out from the bedroom. “I just wrapped up a teleconference meeting with someone in Miami.”

He hurries in as I close the door behind me and then pulls me in for a hug.

Mattias has been with me since I was fifteen. I like him, and I trust him, which is a big deal for me.

“You look good,” he says and gestures for me to sit on the sofa in the sitting room.

“Have you seen the media reports lately?” I ask him.

“I told you to ignore that shit,” he reminds me but then nods. “Yes, I have. How is Olivia?”

“Mad as hell.”

I stand and pace to the windows to look out over LA.

“I think I’m about to make some big changes in my life, Mattias.”

“What, exactly, does that mean?”

I turn back to him, knowing that he won’t like what I’m about to say.

“Once I finish the films I’m currently under contract to do, I’m leaving LA. Permanently. No more projects.”

His eyes might bug out of his face.

“No. Absolutely, not. You’re not going to give up everything you’ve worked so hard for, over a piece of ass—I don’t care how pretty it is.”

“Watch it.”

His nostrils flare, and my eyes narrow.

“I’ve made you a lot of money, Mattias. Hell, I’ve made us both a ton of money. I don’t need to make more. I can live the rest of my life off the royalties of what I’ve already done. My grandchildren’s grandchildren will never have to worry about money. I’m ready to live a life that makes me happy, not just wealthy.”

At that, Mattias deflates and leans back in his chair.

“I meet with the money guys later,” I continue. “I’m going to officially buy the Seattle house from my parents. I am not going to beg them to just give it to me. I can afford it. And I’m going to sell the Malibu house.”

“You’ll come out ahead on the real estate,” Mattias mutters. “Vaughn, are you sure? You love to act.”

“Do I?” I tilt my head to the side and then walk over to sit on the couch again. “I don’t know. I’m good at it. I know that. But I was born into it. I didn’t have to move here from the Midwest and wait tables or be a stripper while taking acting lessons and trying to get my foot in the door. I was privileged to have my parents’ contacts, and I had every leg up there is in this business.”