I glance toward the bed. “Speaking of deep connections.”

A dark glint flashes in his eyes. “You’re talking about my cock buried deep inside of you.”

I nod. “Can we make love?”

He tugs on the hem of my sweater to yank it up and over my head. “There’s your answer.”

Laughing, I reach behind me to unhook my bra. “I can’t wait so get naked now.”

He flashes me a smile as his hands drop to the buckle of his belt. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Chapter Fifty-Eight


“Dad! Wake up!”

A loud thump follows those words as I slowly open my eyes to the sight of a shirtless Berk Morgan next to me.

Damn. He is a hot dad.

I move slightly, but I don’t get far before I wince. “I think you broke my body last night.”

He huffs out a deep-seated laugh before lowering his voice to a whisper. “You said you wanted it hard, Astrid. I delivered.”

I drop a hand to the front of my panties. “I’ll say.”

I got up overnight to make a few notes on my phone for the lyrics to a new song that came to me in my sleep.

I used that time to put on my panties and a T-shirt I found hanging over the back of a chair.

Berk swings his legs over the side of the bed, giving me a perfect view of his naked back and the top of his ass.

I reach out to him, but another knock on the door pulls my hand back.

“Dad!” Stevie screams. “This is an emergency.”

I’m out of bed and on my feet just as Berk pulls on a pair of gray sweatpants. I tug on my jeans, managing to button them and pull the zipper up in record time.

He sprints across the room to swing open the door.

Stevie bounces into the room, holding tightly to Becky, her stuffed bird. “It was a sleepover?”

I hold in a laugh.

Berk takes control of the conversation. “Yes, and they’ll be many nights when Astrid sleeps over, but you said there’s an emergency, Stevie.”

“Right.” She nods as her hand dives into the pocket of the pink fuzzy robe she’s wearing. “Something important happened.”

She yanks out a phone.

I glance to the nightstand to find mine.

Berk does a complete turn in search of his before his gaze falls back on his daughter. “Is that my phone?”

Stevie shrugs. “You left it in my bedroom last night.”

Laughing, he glances back at me. “I guess I was in a hurry to see Astrid.”

I bow my head to hide my smile, certain that I’m blushing.

Berk holds out his hand. “What’s the news?”

She plops the phone into his palm. “Asher Foster is looking for Astrid.”

“He is?” I step forward.

Asher Foster is an incredibly talented singer and songwriter. He has a Grammy award to back that up.

“He tagged you on his Insta.” Stevie giggles as she looks at Berk. “That’s short for Instagram, Dad.”

He reaches down to tickle her chin. “I’m not that old.”

I reach to pick up my phone. I open Asher’s Instagram profile, and my eyes go wide. “He reposted one of the videos someone took of me performing last night.”

“It’s a song called Forevermore,” Stevie says as she races closer to where I’m standing next to the bed. “I think it’s about my dad.”

Smiling through a veil of tears, I nod. “It is.”

I scroll down to the caption of the post.

If you see this, Astrid, get in touch ASAP! A tag to my profile follows the words.

With shaking hands, I open the messages and scroll through them quickly, hoping to see something from him.

My breath catches when I find it. He sent it two hours ago.

Hey, Astrid. I know Keyline is interested in signing you. If you haven’t taken that step yet, get in touch. I have a proposition for you.

I type back an instant response telling him I haven’t signed.

His response comes back to me just as quickly. It’s ten digits. It’s a New York based phone number.

I glance up at Berk and Stevie. “He wants me to call him.”

“Now?” Stevie shouts as she jumps up and down. “Right now?”

Tears stream down my cheeks. “Right now.”

“We’ll give you some privacy.” Berk ushers his daughter toward the bedroom door.

“No.” I reach out a hand to him. “I want you both to stay. I need the moral support.”

Stevie races to grab my hand. “We’re great moral supporters, right, Dad?”

Berk stalks toward us to wrap his hand around ours. “You bet we are. We’re a family.”

Chapter Fifty-Nine


An hour later, I walk into one of Manhattan’s nicest and priciest cafés.

Palla on Fifth is a place that Eloise and I come to when we want a treat.

Today, I’m meeting Asher Foster for a cup of coffee and a discussion about my future.

I raced out of Berk’s home and took a rideshare to my apartment, so I could change clothes.