“I know,” he assures me as he rakes me from head to toe. “You’re wet, aren’t you?”

If I weren’t already, the question would be enough to make me want to climb on him, wrap my legs around him, and offer myself to him bare and without a condom.

I take a step back. “See for yourself.”

His eyes widen as his gaze drops to the waistband of my panties.

Before I can say anything else, his hand dives inside the silk, finding my clit immediately.

“Jesus,” he hisses out between clenched teeth. “You are so fucking ready for me.”

He circles his finger around the swollen nub, torturing me in the most delicious way.

I cry out because it feels that good. “Fuck me, Berk.”

“I will,” he whispers as he skims his lips over my neck. “Take me to bed, Astrid.”

I move to kiss him, tugging his bottom lip between my teeth. When we break apart, I stare into his eyes. “Do I get to have you for a few hours?”

I haven’t asked who he called to look after Stevie, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters to me right now is that I get to have him in my bed.

“You can have me forever,” he whispers.

My bottom lip trembles. It’s an outward sign of what I’m feeling inside.

I want to have him forever. I want him and Stevie to be mine always.

He presses his lips to my forehead. “I’m here until morning.”

I unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor. “Let’s make the most of it.”

Chapter Forty-Eight


“Slow,” I bite the word out between groans. “Slow down.”

It’s not a command. It’s more a plea.

Astrid is on top of me. Her hair is a wispy tangled mess around her face.

She’s two orgasms ahead of me, but I don’t fucking care.

I will always put her pleasure before mine. For the first time in my life, I yearn for the release of a woman more than my own.

She grinds herself against me, taking my cock even deeper. Her eyes widen as she finally looks at my face. Her lips part but the only thing that falls from them is a breathy moan.

“Fuck me good,” I say quietly. “You fuck me so good.”

She nods her head as her eyelids close again.

I hold her waist in my hands and spear up and into her trying to set a pace that won’t send me careening over the edge right now.

I need her to come first.

Her hand drops to her pussy. With a slight whisper of her fingers against my skin, she hones her focus on herself.

I glance down to see her touching herself.

Her index finger circles her clit again and again.

“That’s so fucking hot,” I choke the words out around a groan. “Don’t stop.”

She throws her head back on a moan and fucks me into the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.

“You’ve always been beautiful,” I say to Astrid as she walks into the living room of her apartment wearing a short silk robe.

A muted chuckle escapes her. “You’re snooping.”

Guilty as charged.

We woke up at the same time, and after I ate her to an orgasm, she curled herself around me and started humming.

That turned into a full-on mini concert of a trio of songs I’ve never heard her sing before.

I held her as she softly sang, knowing that even though none of those love songs were about me, I’ll be her muse for the next one.

At least I hope to hell I’ll be.

I’m in love with her.

Her gaze skims over my almost naked frame. I’m only wearing my boxer briefs. I have every intention of carrying her back to bed before I take off in the morning.

“Your mother looked a lot like you.” I glance down at a photograph of the two of them in Vinyl Crush. “I can see the love in this picture.”

That lures her closer to me. “It’s my favorite picture of the two of us.”

Yet, it’s tucked away in an album and not hung on a wall.

I can relate to that. After Layna’s death, I took down most of the pictures of her in our home because they were a constant reminder to my daughter of what she had lost.

Time spent with a therapist from her school and hours of discussions about her mom helped enough that a year and a half ago, Stevie requested a framed picture of Layna for her room.

I let her choose the one she wanted.

I added another to the living room of Layna holding our daughter the day after she was born.

I look up from the photo album again just as Astrid settles on the couch next to me. Her left hand lands on my thigh.

My body’s response to her touch is instantaneous. I harden, but I won’t let my cock drive us back to the bedroom. I want to know more about the woman I love.