The grandfather clock down in the entryway chimes, and I check all the doors, making sure they’re closed. I don’t want to run into his parents.

Stepping quietly down the stairs, I find him in the living room, sprawled out on the couch. He wears black pajama pants, no shirt, lying on his back, one foot on the floor and one on the couch. His arm hangs over the side, the other hand over his stomach.

My chest aches, and my body screams. Looking at him so vulnerable right now is like a feast displayed on a dining room table that I can’t wait for.

I climb on top of him, dragging my nose up his stomach to his chest and grabbing his nipple between my teeth.

He gasps and jerks, and I shoot up, pressing my forehead to his. “I missed you.”

His breathing hitches, but his eyes come into focus, and he sees me, taking my face in his hands.

I press my mouth to his, grinding my groin into him and feeling the hard ridge of his cock already.

“Are you hurting?” I ask, grazing my fingers over the cut on his cheek.

“No.” He grabs my ass and thrusts up into me, but my knee brushes against something between him and the couch, and I look over, pulling out an iPad.

The screen illuminates. “What’s this?” I ask.

He grabs for it. “Nothing…”

But I rear back, curious now. I swipe the screen, and a video is paused but the image is clear. What the hell?

I press Play, a man yanks a woman’s hips back into him as he slides into her from behind. Moans pour out as she grips the edge of the kitchen table, her ass slamming back into him faster and harder.

“Are you serious?” I gape at him. “Weren’t you satisfied?”

We did it three times in the car, and he comes home to immediately jerk off to porn?

“No,” he blurts out, grabbing the iPad and clearing away the video.


“I mean, yes,” he replies. “It’s not that. I was…researching.”


He sits up, and I sit back, but he won’t meet my eyes for a second.

He shifts underneath me, like he’s looking for his words. Finally, he asks, “Have you ever…done it like that?”

Doggie-style? I shake my head.

He drops his eyes again, and I kind of want to smile at the way he chews his lip to cover up how nervous he is. He’s got to be six-one with a chest for days. A god, and he acts so shy.

“Would you like to?” he asks me in a soft voice.

Tingles spread up my spine. I’d love nothing more right now than to be back at the tower, the two of us in his bed, practicing…


“What?” he asks when I don’t reply.

I know he’s going to be mad if I say it, but it needs to be said.

“I just feel like maybe you’d want to save some experiences,” I tell him.

Maybe now that he’s over the hump, things will be easier for him.

He plops back on his hands, staring at me and the softness is gone.

“I’m just being practical,” I say, keeping calm. “You’re not going to fall in love with a high school dropout. I can’t pay for anything. Eventually, you’ll meet someone else. Maybe save some of these adventures for her—”

“I’d rather know what I’m doing when I meet her.”

I go still, not expecting him to say that. So, he already knows he won’t fall in love with someone like me. He really is just practicing. Fan-tastic.

He pushes me back, and comes down over me as I lie on the couch. “I want to be good at this.”

“You will,” I whisper. “You’ve got a nice dick. She’ll love it.”

He smiles, but it looks bitter. “I should have found you ages ago. Guess they were right about Weston girls.”

“And what do they say about us?”

He slips a hand under my shirt, kneading my breast. “Not for forever, but certainly for fun.”

Prick. But I laugh it off. “Not as bad as what they say about Falls boys. ‘Can pay the bills but can’t make you come.’”

He edges back, pulls me up and twists me around, pressing me into the back of the couch from behind. My knees dig into the cushions.

He covers my back and breathes in my ear as he slides a hand inside the front of my panties, caressing me. “Did you come with me?” he breathes the words across my skin.

His fingers brush my clit, and my eyelids flutter. He covers my pussy with his hand, holding on, and I just want to grind into it.

“There’s no reason to lie.” He kisses my ear. “Did you come?”

I nod.

“Was it good?”

I nod again.

He takes his hand out, sticks his middle finger into his mouth, wetting it, and then slips it back between my legs. He toys at my entrance, and I hold his hand, keeping it there.