“Oh God,” Sawyer whispered on a sharp exhale.

Damn, the man was so responsive to even the simplest of touches.

My theory was proven correct when I ran my tongue along the entire length of Sawyer’s dick. My man shouted out a string of curses and curled his fingers into my hair. “Again!” he demanded.

I did as ordered but this time when I reached the head of his dick, I opened my mouth and drew his hot flesh to the back of my throat. If I hadn’t been so focused on trying to control my gag reflex, I surely would have been mentally adding up the number of violations Sawyer was racking up with every curse word he shouted.

It took a few tries before I managed to suck Sawyer’s dick down my throat enough that my nose was pressed against his groin. My lips felt stretched impossibly wide and I couldn’t help but think about what all that hot, hard flesh would feel like when it was filling me up in a different way.

I chose that moment to lift my eyes and saw Sawyer watching me with such fierce longing that I gave up any pretense of drawing the whole thing out. My own cock was like a bar of steel in my briefs. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the thing would blow like a geyser the second Sawyer’s jizz began shooting down my throat.

“Wait,” Sawyer said as his fingers curled around my cheek.

Terrified that I’d scared him, I quickly but carefully released his dick. “What? What is it? Did I hurt you?” I said as I moved up his body.

Sawyer’s smile was soft and his eyes were alight with emotion. He palmed my cheek. “I want it all, Jett,” he whispered. “I want us.”

I knew exactly what he meant. I glanced around my room and then shook my head. “Fuck, Sawyer, I don’t have any condoms or lube. I’ve just been using some lotion to try and, um…”

Sawyer saved me from having to embarrass myself further by pulling me down for a hard kiss. “Where is it?” he demanded, his eyes burning. “I’m negative. I got tested several times after I… after I left California. I haven’t been with anyone since.”

I nodded. “Yeah, okay,” I managed to get out as I moved up Sawyer’s body so I could reach the nightstand. Sawyer tortured me with deep, spine-tingling kisses all along my chest and upper abdomen in the process.

“No fair,” I muttered as I searched the drawer for the small tube I was looking for. When I found it, I snatched it up and slid down Sawyer’s body and captured his mouth once more. “I’m negative too. They tested me when I was in the hospital. There’s been no one else…”

As I spoke, I couldn’t help but look down at my missing legs. A wave of uncertainty stole over me but then Sawyer’s fingers were there to guide my face back up. Nothing in his beautiful eyes indicated anything other than pure want.


He wanted me.

I kissed him hard. “I love you.”

I’d never said the words to a sexual partner before today. It should have scared me that the declaration now fell so easily from my lips, but it felt like the most natural thing I’d ever done.

Sawyer’s eyes shimmered with emotion and then he was nodding. He kissed me softly and then took the tube of lotion from me. Seconds later, Sawyer’s hot hand was spreading a thin layer of the cool cream along my shaft.

My nerves chose that moment to get the best of me and I once again looked down to where my legs should have been. “Sawyer, I don’t know if I can—”

Sawyer silenced me with a kiss. His lips lingered against my mouth. “Do you trust me, sweetheart?”

My heart clanged painfully in my chest. I knew why he was asking the question. If we had any hope of moving forward as anything—friends, lovers, partners—that trust had to be there. Otherwise, we’d be living a lie.

“Yes,” I said without hesitation.

Sawyer pulled me down so I was lying flush against him. He’d spread his legs wide and lifted his hips. His hand was gently stroking my ready-to-blow cock. “Then make me yours, baby.”

I shifted my lower body so that my knees were bearing my weight as Sawyer guided the tip of my dick to his hole. I kept my gaze locked on his eyes as I pushed forward because I was terrified to think about what I might look like lying above him as only half a man. But even as I began to breach Sawyer’s body, all the insecurities came back in a rush. It was yet another reason to hate the shell I’d been consigned to live my life in.

“Sawyer, I can’t—” I began as I tried to pull away from him. I expected him to argue with me as I straightened and rocked back onto my knees, but he didn’t say a thing. In fact, all he did was follow me up. I opened my mouth to tell him he could try fucking me if it didn’t turn him off too much or I could get him off with my hand, but I didn’t even get a breath out before Sawyer’s mouth was on mine. He slung an arm around my neck and then he was reaching beneath himself with the other one.