Page 30 of Tell Me Our Story

Jonathan opened the door and O’Hara swept into the hallway behind him, eyes narrowed, lips flattened. His voice took on a heavy quality, like it always did when he talked about this.

“But we will make it through. We have to.” The air had barely tightened when O’Hara flung out a smile.

He busied himself tugging at a tag on the strap of his bag. “Can you believe they made me check this as baggage? Barely anything in there.”

The luggage tag hurtled toward Jonathan’s chest and he caught it under a flat palm. “Bins are in the kitchen.”

That earned him a cheeky smirk.

Savvy and Jacquie popped their heads around the door to the hall. “Good, you’re here. We’ve been debating who’ll make it through to the final.”

The challenge was on everyone’s mind, apparently.

“She thinks the girl-next-door lesbian couple will be top five for sure,” Savvy interrupted. “Along with the Sapphire twins. I think the Canadian brothers have a better chance—everyone loves guys who can joke.”

O’Hara freed himself of his last boot and bounced toward them, no hint of his earlier seriousness. “You’ve forgotten to mention the best pairing of all. Your brother and me!”

Savvy and Jacquie simultaneously rolled their eyes.

Jonathan took a long moment to straighten their shoes and double-check he’d laid out proper towels on the end of O’Hara’s bed.

By the time he entered the living room, Jacquie and Savvy were busy packing board games into a bag and O’Hara was perched on the coffee table, flashing his phone at them.

Jacquie glanced and sighed. “The Sapphire twins. Be still my beating heart.”

“That right?” O’Hara said with a pronounced arch to his eyebrow. “Which one?”

“I have to choose?”

“You’d be in for quite the ride with either one. They’re adrenalin junkies.”

Jacquie perked up at this, abandoning the bag.

Laughter. “Your first date might be bungee jumping off a bridge.”

Good God. Jonathan shuddered. Savvy caught it and tugged his hand, pulling him onto the arm of the couch.

O’Hara’s gaze flickered over to him.

Jonathan rolled the stiffness forming in his shoulders at the thought of such an act.

Savvy hummed. “I’m not sure I could jump off a bridge for someone I’m into.”

Jonathan nodded. “Sensible.”

Jacquie lounged on the couch with a dreamy grin. “Love isn’t always sensible, is it?”

O’Hara looked at her, dimple softening along with his voice. “No, it’s really not.”

“Nothing could make me jump off a bridge.”

O’Hara leaned forward and briefly clapped his knee, thumb rubbing up and down once. Jonathan was transported back to the swing bridge, calm hands holding his. I’ve got you.

He rolled his hands down his thighs, meeting the warmed spot. His stomach dipped and gravity chased after it.

He stood abruptly and steered Savvy to the kitchen island to check they’d packed their homework. “It can’t be Gloomhaven the whole time?”

Jonathan gave them a look.

“Man. Fine. But I also need someone to read over my history assignment.”

“Email it to me.”

“Actually,” Savvy glanced to the couch where O’Hara and Jacquie were scrolling through Sapphire Twin posts. “Could O’Hara do it?”

Unexpected. “O’Hara?”

The man himself sprang from the couch and joined them, throwing an arm around both their shoulders. “You called?”

Savvy grinned. “Would you read—”

“Savvy,” Jonathan said sharply. “I will look over it.”

“Look over what?” O’Hara’s fingers drummed over his shoulders.

Savvy said, “My assignment—I think you’d be the best to proofread it?”

“Me? Sure!”

Jonathan, curt, “You don’t have to.”

A scoff. “Send it to me, Savvy. I’ll take a look right away.”

“You’re the best.”

They broke out of the huddle and scampered off to Jacquie, pulling her off the couch. O’Hara didn’t drop his arm from Jonathan’s neck. The weight rested against a nerve that triggered a clench in his gut. He stepped aside and briefly shut his eyes as O’Hara’s arm fell away. He was only there because of the competition. After that . . . Well. After that everything would go back to the way it had been before.

Out the corner of his eye, he caught O’Hara’s frown.

“I’ll do it,” Jonathan said. “You can head off to meet your . . . Hannah.”

One step, and O’Hara cuffed him around the wrist, holding tight over his watch. Under his breath, O’Hara said, “I will proofread. Stay.” And then jovially, aloud, “Oohh, more pasteis de natas. It’s like you knew I was coming or something.”

“Or something,” Savvy said drily, glancing at Jonathan.

A nata half-landed in O’Hara’s mouth and he paused to whip out his phone and take a shot of himself. “Best pastries I’ve ever had.”

“There’s a secret ingredient,” Savvy murmured. Thankfully, O’Hara didn’t seem to catch it.

“Off,” Jonathan said, striding to the hallway door to open it for Savvy and their weekend bag.

“Have fun guys.” Jacquie added as she passed.

He quickly shut the door on them.

When he turned around, O’Hara was at the window, scooping up Gingernut and whispering something into her furry head before planting a big kiss between those soft perky ears.