“You two sit with me,” I tell them. “And Natalia?”

She looks at me, those pretty eyes just like her Mama’s. “Yes?”

“If you want a dog, I’ll get you the softest, prettiest little puppy so little you could put her in your pocket, okay?”

Her eyes light up.

“Santo,” Rosa groans. “You could ask me first.”

I shrug. “I know how to train dogs. It’s a cakewalk.”

Rosa shakes her head as we enter the Great Hall and whispers so no one else hears, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re heartless, Uncle Santo. No one. You may have a Grinch-sized heart, but it still beats.”



I yawn in exhaustion, still sitting on one of the hardback chairs in the Great Hall.

Tavi filled everyone in on what happened today, told us he was in touch with the lawyer, Flynt, and that we’d have a meeting of the inner sanctum the very next day, after the arrival of the Montavio reinforcements.

“We expect another attack, and any minute,” Tavi says as we all look to him. “So we stay on soft lockdown until we’re clear, or have to move to hard lockdown.”

“You hear from Romeo yet?” Vittoria asks.

“No, but it takes some time to get everything sorted. I promise you, Vittoria, you’re the first person we’ll notify if anything comes up.”

“Is he guilty, Tavi?”

These are questions she’s allowed to ask, questions all made men and women of The Family are allowed to know.

“I’ll fill you in later, Vittoria, but no. He’s kept himself squeaky clean.”

Staff and the goddamn nanny I’ll fire as soon as we’re finished have not been allowed in.

I can’t believe she let my daughter near those vicious dogs. I’ve seen them attack.

“Tavi?” Mama asks. We all look to her. Only my mother and grandmother interrupt Romeo or Tavi when they’re addressing the group.

“Yes, Mama?” Tavi asks. His jaw tightens but he’s being patient with her.

“Why are the dogs in the house?” We all know how she feels about them. “They tried to attack my granddaughter.”

“Your granddaughter knows better than to get anywhere near those dogs,” I interrupt. I will not let Natalia think for a minute she got away with that. Santo’s eyes are cold, but he nods in agreement with me.

“Rosa!” Mama says. “They could’ve hurt her.’

I keep my own voice tight. “Which is why she will never, ever get within ten feet of them again. Will you, Natalia?”

She shakes her head and looks properly abashed. I heard that dressing down Santo gave her and fully support him.

“The dogs are outside by the front entrance as added security. They are well trained. And yes, they’re dangerous, but the children will be kept away. This is only temporary, until the Montavio family arrives, which should be within the hour.”

Mario snorts. “I love that the Montavios are replacements for our guard dogs.”

Laughter erupts in the room, and I breathe a sigh of relief. We all needed that.

“Fitting,” Orlando says, running a hand through his hair, referencing the pit bull-like ferocity of our cousins. “We done here, Tavi?”

Tavi nods. “We’ll reconvene when the Montavios join us.” He looks to Mama. “Mama—”

But Mama is already on her feet, joined by Nonna.

The Montavios are my mother’s family. She’ll be eager to feed them. Nonna married into the Montavio family, and though she didn’t care for her husband, she likes the Montavios.

It’s getting late, but they’ll have a welcome spread. I’d join them, but tonight I want to be with Natalia.

While most families of our caliber have hired chefs and the like, Mama and Nonna prefer to make every scrap of food we eat by hand. I dabble a bit but don’t cook as much. Tavi’s Elise, however, loves it.

I always thought when I was younger Mama and Nonna did our cooking because they liked feeding us. Now I know it’s also because they know no one can poison the food they prepare.

Yeah, my family’s something else.

“Before we adjourn,” Tavi says. “I want to go over where everyone will be at all times. No one goes outside The Castle until I lift the lockdown. We’ll remain on the first and second floors of The Castle only.” So no one will be allowed to go to the chapel or wine cellar. “Orlando will be with Angelina and Nicolo. Their nanny’s been sent home for the night. Their guards will be with them as well. Elise is, obviously, with me and our guards. Mario will take main guard over Mama and Marialena. Nonna has her own guard, and Vittoria hers as well.” He looks to Santo. “You’ll take Natalia and Rosa to their rooms. You’ll take the nanny’s quarters.”

My heartbeat spikes, but I keep my face placid.

Santo nods and stands. We’ll have an attached room, then. He’ll be right on the other side of the door.

“Santo, before they go upstairs, I want you to be the one that dismisses her nanny. Give her six months’ severance and an escorted armored car to accommodations. She leaves tonight. I’ll call everyone down after the Montavios arrive.”