“I have no idea.”

“Say Honey leaked the info and she’s in love with Campbell. What’s the first thing you’d do if that was all true?”

“Fire her,” I said automatically.

“No, before that. You’d have to protect yourself first. Change all your passwords and freeze your accounts. What does she have access to?”

“Fuck, I hadn’t gotten that far,” I spat. “Everything. She has access to everything. She even has a key to our place.”

I grabbed my phone out of my purse and pulled up my emails. I never checked them anymore, except when Honey highlighted specific things for me. It was how she had gotten that email from Campbell and responded as if she were me. She had been doing that for so long that she hadn’t even stopped to think if it was right. Or she hadn’t cared because she wanted to get closer to Campbell.

I needed a shred of proof before I imploded the best working relationship I’d had in a long time. Yes, she was overly enthusiastic and sometimes crossed boundaries, but she got the job done. Fuck, it was hard to find a good assistant.

“I don’t even know what I’m looking for,” I admitted.

I frowned at the endless scroll of bullshit in my inbox. It reminded me why I never got in here. She hadn’t been lying when she said that I had a bunch of media requests. I should forward all of these to English to deal with, but I couldn’t focus on that right now.

“Do you have access to her email?”

“Yeah. It’s through Blaire Blush as my assistant. But she could have reached out on her personal email, too. I might never find anything.”

“Can you ask your publicist to ask around?”

I shook my head. “I already did. She’s looking into it. She said her contact wouldn’t tell her at first, and we all assumed it was someone snooping.”

“Hmm,” Piper said.

I searched relevant keywords to see if there were any emails to TMZ or something. There were a surprising number of those emails in my inbox, but none of them were what I was looking for. Just junk.

I sleuthed through my inbox for nearly the entire hour-and-a-half drive home and found nothing. Not a single thing out of place. I never would have suspected that Honey had done anything if there wasn’t a lot of circumstantial evidence.

My phone started ringing as we pulled into Lubbock. I answered, “Hey, English.”

“Hey, how are you doing?”

“Uh, well, I’ve been better.”

“Are you sitting down?”

I glanced at Piper and put English on speaker. “Yeah, I’m here.”

“It looks like…you outed yourself as the ‘I See the Real You’ girl.”

I swallowed. “What? No, I didn’t.”

“My contact said it came from your own email, including the photograph. That you just sent it over. Didn’t even ask for money. Does anyone else have access to your email? Otherwise, it looks like you’ve been hacked.”

“My assistant has access to my email. I…I think she did it. Do you have more info about when it was sent and to who?”

English rattled off some info, and then I searched the email address. My blood chilled as I found the deleted email still sitting in the Trash. She’d been so confident that I wouldn’t look at my email that she hadn’t even dumped the Trash. Wow.

“It’s here,” I said, feeling sick. “I found it.”

“Fuck,” English spat. “Why would she do that? Wouldn’t she have realized you’d fire her for this?”

“Yeah, I don’t think she expected to be caught. Plus, we think she was gunning for Campbell.”

English blew out a harsh breath. “I’m sorry, girl. Seriously. That’s twisted.”

“I’m going to secure all my stuff and then go see her.”

“Good luck. Let me know if you need anything.”

I hung up and sighed.

“Well, that’s all the proof we needed.” My hands shook as I stared down at the email that had snowballed into the destruction of my life.

I spent the next couple hours locking down my accounts. By the time I finished, I felt drained of all energy. I hadn’t realized how much access Honey had to my information. I’d trusted her and left myself vulnerable. Now, I needed to get this over with.

Piper had gone into work but told me to text her if I needed anything. Eve had gotten a job as a realtor for a different real estate agency and was gone at all hours of the day.

So, I was alone when the doorbell rang.

I jogged over to answer it, and Honey barreled inside.

“Sorry, I know that you’re not feeling well, Blaire, but something is really wrong,” Honey said without preamble.

I jerked backward as she tugged her laptop out of her bag and plopped it down on the dining room table.

“Come on in,” I muttered.

It was shocking to look at her with all this new information in my head. Her hair looked just like mine, and she was even in a coral athletic kit that I also owned. She had been turning into me, and I hadn’t even noticed. All because I’d agreed to introduce her to Campbell that one night? If I didn’t have the truth in my pocket, I would still have trouble believing it.