As strange as it was, I had some experience with other celebs. I ran a fantastically popular wellness blog, Blaire Blush. I had a few million followers on social media, where I doled out relationship advice, preached body positivity, and helped girls all over the world love themselves. I was sponsored by ethically sourced fashion designers and constantly received boons in the mail from people who wanted my influence. It was exciting and kind of crazy that it had ballooned into this with nothing but a blog and my psychology degree.

“So, are you dating anyone?” Honey asked, dropping me square back into reality.

Campbell laughed and ran a hand back through his hair. “That’s a personal question.”

“I know. I know. I’m sorry. There’s just speculation that you’re talking to Nini Verona,” Honey said. Just casually dropping the name of one of the hottest models around.

“I know Nini,” Campbell said, “but I’m single.”

Honey sighed happily. Satisfied that he was still on the market.

Suddenly, his gaze drifted back to me. For those few minutes, I’d thought that he’d forgotten my existence entirely. There was something in those bright blue eyes that made me freeze like a deer caught in headlights. And I couldn’t look away even though I knew he was about to ruin my life all over again.

“Unless you want to go out with me,” Campbell said.



The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

They were the truth. The thing that I’d wanted to ask. But I’d also known I shouldn’t release them out into the world. I was still high on the aftereffects of the concert. Still lost to that buzz that I only got from music. Then, I’d opened my dressing room door, and there stood Blaire Barker.

There was fire in her eyes.

A part of her always looked ready to rip me in half.

But she was stunning all the same. Even more beautiful than the girl she had been when I fell for her in high school. Now, she was a woman with waist-length hair and those fringe bangs that always looked as if she were hiding a secret. Her blue eyes were kohl-rimmed and wide as an animated character. Like a Disney princess in disguise in a green minidress and high heels. Still, she was a foot shorter than me, and I liked that in a woman.

So, I’d asked her out. What was the harm?

Besides everything.

Blaire gaped at me in a mask of horror. Her assistant—the vapid, brainless girl that she somehow let work for her—shrieked loud enough that everyone turned to look at us. Honey resorted to babbling. Something about how incredible this was. And how it wasn’t real life.

But Blaire just glared at me as if I had some audacity to ask her that question.

“No,” she spat.

I stilled at the word. The heat in it. She wasn’t just mad. She was furious.

I knew how she felt about me. I’d known for years. I’d royally fucked up, and then I’d left. I was following my dreams, but I crushed hers at the same time. She hadn’t spoken to me in eight years, and I’d been back in Lubbock on and off for the last eighteen months. It was pretty clear that the last thing she wanted to do was go on a date with me. And still, I’d opened my fucking mouth.

“What? Blaire, come on,” Honey gasped.

“He was joking,” she bit out. She shot me a look that said, You better fucking go along with this. “Weren’t you, Campbell?”

I nodded slowly, not wanting to incur more of her wrath. “Yeah.” I shot Honey a small smile. “Just a joke.”

“God, don’t do that to me. I almost had a heart attack.” Her hand over her heart.

“Yeah, don’t do that to her,” Blaire practically growled.

I didn’t regret it. But I sure as hell hated how upset she was at the notion. Still, I played my part. “Sorry. My bad.”

“Honey, go tell everyone we’re good over here and you’re not being murdered. They’re all still looking.”

“Yeah. Sure. Sorry,” she said and then scampered off.

I expected Blaire to dart off after her. But she stayed next to me until the noise returned and everyone forgot that we were standing alone in the doorway of my dressing room.

“Blaire, I—”

“Stop.” She held up a hand. Her voice was ice. Her blue eyes narrowed in anger. “That better have been a fucking joke, Campbell.”

I opened my mouth and then closed it. Because it hadn’t been a joke. I’d dated since high school. I was a fucking famous musician. So, of course I’d dated and fucked around and all that. I’d gotten good at reading someone’s wants. Truthfully, I’d always been good at it, and now, it was just amplified.

But I’d read Blaire wrong.

All wrong.

I’d thought she was finally thawing to me.

She shook her head and then turned to walk away. Part of me just reacted. I didn’t want her to go. I wasn’t ready. Not yet.