“So, why did you want to meet me?” Blaire asked after introductions were made.

Santi leaned forward with a grin. “We want you to make more videos.”



“Absolutely not,” Campbell bellowed before I could get a word in edgewise.

I gaped at him along with half of the table. Clearly, this had not been run by him before Santi just blurted it out. And Campbell’s vehemence was so strong that I had no idea what to say. He didn’t want me to do any more videos? He hadn’t been against it when he was tricked into doing the first one.

“What the fuck, bro?” Santi asked.

“We’re keeping Blaire out of this.”

Viv rolled her eyes. “Why don’t we ask the lady what she prefers? She has a brain, Campbell Soup. I think she can make up her own mind.”

“Who told you to do more videos? Was it Bobby?” Campbell demanded right over Viv’s comments.

“Yes,” Yorke said, perfectly monosyllabic.

“Look, Bobby suggested that while we’re here, we use it as publicity,” Santi reasoned. “The girl already has an audience that is expecting you.”

“That girl has a name,” I finally got out. “It’s Blaire. And I’m sitting right fucking here.”

“My apologies,” Santi said with a half-bow in her direction. From Santi, it wasn’t even mocking. He was utterly sincere about it. “Our manager, Bobby Rogers…”

“I met him,” I said.

“Well, he thinks you’d be a valid resource to use. You’re already here. He doesn’t have to send a team.”

“Because I declined a fucking team,” Campbell grumbled under his breath.

“Campbell refuses to get on social, but he’ll do videos for you,” Santi finished. “If you want to do them, we’d be up for it.”

“The first video caused her enough problems. I told Bobby not to involve her in any of this.”

“Well, you don’t get to make all the decisions for the entire band,” Viv piped up.

“No, but—”

“Or for me,” Blaire added, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Blaire,” I said reasonably, “think about what happened on the Fourth of July. I don’t want you to be more involved with this if it’s going to put you in danger.”

“What did happen?” Viv asked curiously.

“She was attacked by a group of Campbell Soup girls.”

“You said yourself, that almost never happens. And I wasn’t expecting it. I would be more cautious now.”

His face crumpled as he realized that I was arguing with him about this. Because he hadn’t considered that this would be one of the coolest things I’d ever done in my entire career. Sure, I mostly focused on wellness on Blaire Blush, but making videos was part of my job. I could do so much good.

“You want to do this?” Campbell finally asked.

“I want to consider it before you throw it out without asking my opinion.”

He nodded slowly and then slumped back into his chair. “All right.”

“Can we eat now?” Yorke asked, gesturing to the pies that had just been placed on the table. Someone must have ordered a bunch of pizzas for the entire table while we were all arguing.

Eve grabbed the first piece with a muffled, “Y’all are dramatic.”

The rest of the table cracked up, and the spell was broken. Campbell still brooded through most of dinner, but the band had no such qualms. And by the end, everyone was enamored with Santi and Viv’s banter and even Yorke’s deep voice and impenetrable eyes.

I waved Annie and Jen off as they headed toward their respective boyfriend’s car.

Piper held up the key to the Jeep. “I’ll get it running. You going to be long?”

I glanced back at Campbell, who waited outside while Viv smoked with Eve. Santi stood beside them like a hopeful puppy. I needed to talk to Campbell. That much had been certain before he flipped his shit over the videos. I needed to talk to him even more now.

“Yeah, I hope not.”

“Good luck.”


Campbell glanced up from where he was standing just far enough away from the smoke to not inhale it outright. His eyes found mine, and I met his stare straight on. He said something to his friends and then strode over to where I was standing.

“Hey,” he said, running a hand back through his hair. “Sorry about…” He trailed off and gestured around him. “I don’t know. Everything.”

“Look, I think we just need to talk. I’ve been running away long enough, but it sort of looks like you’re here to stay for a bit, and I’m…somehow in your life again.”

“I don’t mind that,” he admitted with a small smile.

I gulped at the way that smile sent butterflies flipping around my stomach. He liked having me here. God, that shouldn’t have made me turn into a simpering idiot. “I don’t…mind that either.”

His eyebrows shot up his forehead. “Really? Because you kind of ran away on Sunday.”

“I did,” I said, toeing the gravel at my feet. “Sunday was overwhelming.”