I couldn’t be prouder. Especially since I had all the footage from that time and had cinched a deal with Netflix for an exclusive release of the documentary around the new album, The One That Got Away.

Already, “Rooftop Nights” was the hottest song of the summer. I still couldn’t listen to it without blushing, thinking about the kiss that had ignited it. The whole album made me blush. But, hey, it was true to my namesake.

“I love that it’s about me,” I admitted.

Nora appeared at my side. “Hey, sis,” she said with a wink. She’d taken to calling me that since my wild Vegas wedding with Campbell. “I’m so glad we had the event here. Since, you know, I didn’t get to plan a real wedding.”

I snorted. I would never live this down. “You got to plan the wedding. But considering we did it all in a week, you can’t really blame us.”

“I don’t blame you.” She sighed dramatically. “But do you know what I could have done even with a few months?”

“I do know, and you would have made it a dream, but I’m glad we did it spontaneously. It was better that way. Perfect that way.”

“It was,” Piper agreed.

Nora giggled. “You’re right. But you, missy, will not be eloping when my brother finally proposes, okay?”

Piper went a little green at the edges. “Um, I think we have a while before that.”

We laughed at her and then headed backstage. All our friends were hanging out with the band. It was good to see everyone together like this. Jennifer sitting in Julian’s lap and Jordan arguing with him. West sitting between Viv and Santi while Yorke had his arms crossed and said nothing.

Annie traipsed across the room to hug all three of us at once.

“I can’t wait to hear the new songs live,” Annie said with wide eyes.

She and Jen had gotten an early copy of the new album and played the songs on repeat until they knew all the lyrics by heart. They were officially obsessed with every single song. Though we were all partial to “The One That Got Away.” I certainly was.

“Me either!” Nora said. “I like this album the best.”

Everyone was excited. We were only missing one person. One person who would have been ecstatic for this release.


After she’d been arrested, I’d gotten in contact with her family. They’d thanked me for calling the police. They’d apparently been trying to get her help for years, but they couldn’t admit her into a facility unless she was a danger to herself or someone else.

It was unfortunate that it had ever gotten that far. I hadn’t had contact with Honey personally because we all feared that it would make her relapse. But I kept up with her recovery and her family. What had happened wasn’t my fault, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t my responsibility to see that she got better.

I wished that she were here. The old, vibrant Honey who had loved life. Not the one who had hurt herself in my kitchen.

But she wasn’t here. She was with people who were taking care of her.

I even had a new assistant. Though I’d never trust anyone like I had Honey. I’d learned that lesson the hard way.

At least Campbell and I had worked it all out. Life wasn’t perfect. We split our time between LA and Lubbock. We both got frustrated with the distance and the timing, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Speaking of Campbell…

“Have you seen Campbell?” I asked, peering around the back.

“Still in the dressing room,” Annie said.

“Thanks.” I said good-bye to my friends and headed to the dressing room.

I rapped on the door twice. This was where it had all started again. The inspiration for “Invisible Girl” was right at this door. And now, that man was my husband.


“Blaire, come in.”

I stepped into the room and quickly closed the door behind me. Campbell made me stop in my tracks. He was in low-slung black jeans and was just pulling on a T-shirt over his rock-hard abs.

“Uh,” I muttered incoherently.

He smirked at me. “Come here, you.”

I grinned and rushed toward him. We crashed together. “I missed you.”

“I was gone for a few hours,” he said as he laughed.

“Still missed you.”

“Missed you too, babe,” he said as he claimed my lips.

“Everyone is excited to hear the songs live.”

“So am I.”

“Mmm, me too.” I kissed him again.

He bit into my bottom lip, and then he wrapped his arms around my thighs and lifted me up around his waist. “Maybe the crowd can wait a little longer.”

“You’re filthy,” I joked.

“You like me filthy.”

He sank into the couch, bringing me down with him. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a good, long kiss.

“I sure do.”

“So, do you think we have time?”

A gleam of excitement was in his eyes. He still couldn’t get enough of me. And I loved him every single day for it.