Page 49 of Bad Pet (His Pet)

I don’t trust that story anymore. However, I can’t tell her what transpired between Sloane and me. So, I let it go. I answer with silence and wait for her to complete her meal. My brilliant daughter understands the matter, though. She knows that she can’t change my mind now, so she drops it. After a while, we’re on our way to the art museum, and Sloane is put at the back of our minds where I wish her to stay.

Chapter Twenty-Five - Sloane

Days have passed, and no news from Kane, Ashton...or Owen. So, I eventually get up and pull myself together. I’m a grown woman, and I don’t need the General to get through life. I repeat this lie every day until it becomes my reality.

I quickly shower and dress in a white summer dress with strawberries on it. I rarely wear an outfit like this. Yet, it seems fitting to put it on because I’m going to my nephew’s first birthday party. I wonder if it’s okay to show up if I didn’t RSVP. But I let the thought slide because I want to do something that will keep my mind off things. And this party seems like a great distraction.

Unfortunately, Christian’s reaction was not what I expected when I get there.

“Sloane!” he exclaims.

Do I turn back now before any of his guests can spot me and see my brother ushering me out of the party? Yet, he grabs my arm when I turn my back to him.

“Where are you going?”

“Um. You look like you’ve seen a ghost. And I know I failed to RSVP. So, I’m leaving. I don’t want to ruin my nephew’s first birthday. Oh. Wait.”

I hand Christian my gift; then I pull my arm away. But he keeps holding on.

“I look like I have seen a ghost because you never return my calls. Mandy and I are worried about you. And then we received a call from Reese, and she said you hadn’t shown yourself to her for a week now. Are you okay?”

I nod, but I can feel my lips quivering. I try to mask it with a smile. “So…can I go in, or do I just go away now,” I tease.

Christian playfully shoves me. “Of course, you can go in. Come on. Your nephew is adorable. I doubt that he can’t get your attention as well.”

“Christian. There is something.”

We are already inside but still not within earshot of his guests. My brother stops to listen to me.

“I’m feeling so down these past few days. And I…want to be around kids.”

Christian’s eyes seem to bulge out of their sockets. Then, Mandy, his wife, strolls in, carrying a plate of cake. She beams up at me. I like her because she is really nice to me. She’s like the great sister that I dreamed of. And my brother is fortunate to have such a bringer of joy in his life.

“Why do you look like you have just seen a ghost,” Mandy inquires. Then, she adds, “did you actually see one?”

My brother turns to her and raises an eyebrow. “It’s Sloane.”

“Sloane is a ghost?” Mandy reaches out to touch my arm. She feels warm and homey, and I want her to hug me and tell me that everything will be alright.

“Well, my little sister just told me that she wanted to be near kids.”

Mandy’s face mirrors Christian’s disbelief earlier. And he doesn’t let it pass, “now, you look like you have seen a ghost.”

I shake my head. Sometimes, I feel like I’m in the middle of a comical skit when I’m with these two. And I don’t have enough energy for that. So, I try to explain. “It’s just that I babysat my client’s daughter a few weeks ago. And I didn’t know that I would enjoy it. But now, she’s…back with her dad. And I missed them. I mean her, so much.”

Christian’s face looked amused, but a dawn of understanding is on Mandy’s. She exudes what my dream mother is like. I know that she will be the best mom to my nephew, and I can’t wish for a better person to be with now. I find myself thinking if it’s too much to ask for a hug from her.

“I left your nephew with my sister. However, I think you might like to hold him for a bit? I know that my sister was ready to let go of him several minutes ago. But,” she beams at me, “I just want a bit of rest. And she’s the first to offer to relieve him from me.”

I smile, and then my sister-in-law goes back inside. I follow her to their backyard. Mandy immediately spots her sister then takes her son. They look good together — like they’re a match made in heaven. Why can’t all mothers be like Mandy? Why can’t all children experience the kind of love that she gives? But am I capable of that love too?