‘Stay there. I’ll come down,’ he says.

‘No, I’ll come up. I know my way to the deluxe suite.’

I get into the lift and go up to his floor. I knock on the door and it opens after the first rap.

Before I can say anything he pulls me in and, fisting his hand in my hair, swoops down on my lips. I gasp with shock and his tongue enters my mouth. His other hand comes around my waist and slams me into his hard body. He sweeps his tongue through my mouth. The raw animal desire radiating out of him makes the blood pound in my veins. From the first day I have been helpless in its wake.

Never taking his mouth away from mine, he walks me backwards towards the bed and we fall in a tangle. Our clothes come off haphazardly. The sound of zips, something tearing, something else whispering, and our hearts booming, fill my starving senses. Then we are naked. I hear the sound of the foil. And then he fills the aching, empty hole inside me with his beautiful, big cock.

‘Ahhhh …’

The orgasm when it comes lasts and lasts. With white dots before my closed eyelids. I slump against the headboard, exhausted.

‘I was so hungry for your flesh I couldn’t wait to fuck you again,’ he growls.

‘The insides of my thighs … they are tremble … for more,’ I whisper.

‘Tell the insides of your thighs I haven’t even begun.’

Hours we are in that bed. I am aware of all the places his hands have been, my ankles, the soles of my feet … the insides of my wrist … the delicate skin at the nape of my neck.

And then his phone rings. ‘Aren’t you going to answer that?’

‘No,’ he says, and carries on kissing all the small bones of my spine.

But his mobile rings again. And again. He stops with a frown and answers it.

He sits up. ‘Yeah.’

He turns slightly away from me. ‘I’ll be there in a couple of days. Why?’ He listens again and sighs, his shoulders sagging. ‘Fuck. Right. Yeah. Tell Ma I’ll be there.’

He ends his call and turns to me. ‘Look, I wanted to meet your parents properly and all, but we have to go back tonight. My mother’s father is on his deathbed and he wants to see the whole family before he passes on. My mother wants me there.’

I sit up and touch his throat. He is so perfect I could weep. ‘You go ahead. I’ll join you in a couple of days. There’s something I must do first.’

He looks at me. ‘No, Snow. I don’t want to leave without you.’

‘I promise I will leave the day after tomorrow. I have to go and see Chitra.’

He looks at me curiously. ‘Why?’

‘I don’t know why. I just know I have to go and see her before I leave.’

‘Where is she?’

‘Kupu knows where she lives. He will take me.’

‘Is it far away or dangerous?’


‘Regardless, I’ll arrange for someone to go with you and Kupu. You’re not travelling around on your own.’

‘OK, but you don’t know anyone here,’ I say with a grimace.

‘Listen. You know me.’

‘Yeah. I know all about you.’ I smile gratefully.