He goes so deep I can’t catch my next breath. He pulls back and thrusts in. Again. And again. I groan. His large hands grip my hips and of their own accord they move back and forth. Shane’s mastery and technique is evident in every move and touch and soon I start to relish the pounding my pussy is taking and the pain has transformed into warmth and pleasure. Pure, real pleasure. My eyes widen with surprise. I never thought sex could be like this.

‘Oh Shane,’ I beg. ‘Don’t stop.’

He answers by grabbing both my wrists and putting them high above my head. He looks down at my breasts with hunger. I feel them bounce and jiggle as he continues to thrust into me. I feel helpless. He controls everything. I am his to do whatever the hell he wants to do to me.

Then he is swooping down and taking my nipple in his mouth. Lenny has taken my nipples in his mouth more times than I can remember, but it never ever felt like this. My body arches with pleasure. His tongue flicks the tips. All the while he is thrusting deep into me.

And then it comes. The promise that began from the moment Shane held my wrist when we first met.

The orgasm.

The thing I have never experienced. And it blows my mind. I cry out his name. I am so shocked by the experience I don’t even realize that he had been holding on for me, and as soon as he sees me climax, he pumps me so hard the platform bed we are lying on starts to shake with every hard slam.

He doesn’t scream like Lenny when he climaxes, he roars and carries on thrusting through it until that last thrust when he holds himself, throbbing and pulsating deep inside me. Breathing hard he looks down on me. I lie limp under him, my thighs trembling and my toes curled.

I am his.

I feel sore and tender, but I don’t want him to pull out of me. I want more. I want a repeat. I want another climax. It felt so good.

‘I want more,’ I whisper, without any shame whatsoever.

His eyes flare. ‘You can’t handle more, Snow,’ he mutters.

‘I can,’ I insist.

He kisses my forehead and tries to pull out of me, but I grab his buttocks. ‘Don’t,’ I plead.

He smiles. ‘Aww, sweet Snow. Don’t fret, I’ll give you a different kind of more,’ he teases gently.

He pulls out of me, removes the condom, while I lay with my legs open and wait. He comes back and puts his head between my thighs and begins to suck my clit. The shock of his hot mouth between my legs is like an electric bolt.

I start to crest again and dig my heel into the bed, my muscles stretching, my neck arching uncontrollably.



‘You want me again?’

I wake up and look straight into Shane’s sleeping face. Curiously, I watch him slumbering He looks so young. One could fall in love with a face like this. Last night is like a dream. I remember it in a daze. My head swims to think of how wanton I have been. Me saying, ‘You want me again?

Three times, I asked him that. That makes a total of six times.

A secret smile is curved on my mouth when his long, sooty lashes lift. We stare at each other, the smile dying on my lips. Passion flames deep inside me. His gaze moves from my eyes to the curve of my cheeks and lingers on my mouth, now provocatively parted. An invitation.

Breathlessly I watch fire leap into the blue depths.

He rolls his body over mine. Resting on his elbows his mouth comes down on my own I wind my arms around his neck and pull him even closer. His fingers rake through my hair, forcing back my head. My mouth opens in hungry response as our lips touch. The kiss seems endless. As if neither of us can satisfy our need for each other. I feel my body sizzle with need.

He lays on his side, tugs the sheet off me, and lets his eyes rove down my body. Trembling and impatient I slowly open my legs. Another invitation.

‘Fuck, Snow. You intoxicate me,’ he says hoarsely.

My mouth is dry with heady excitement. ‘Do I?’ I whisper throatily.

‘I took one look at you and all I wanted to do was possess you. It didn’t even matter that you were with Lenny. I couldn’t walk away and leave you. I just had to have you. Any risk was worth it.’

‘You’ve got me now.’