‘Look, mate. This one’s taken, go flash elsewhere,’ he tells the firefly.

I laugh, a laugh of sheer joy and enchantment and reach up with my cupped hands.

It darts away.

‘Oh,’ I say disappointed, but I realize that others are dancing into view. They glow and flicker in trees and in the air, and slowly they light up the whole forest like a Christmas tree giving enough light that I can make out Shane’s features. Between the blades of the tall grasses and dandelions, hundreds of lights twinkle as if all the stars in the sky have fallen to earth.

‘It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen. I’ll never forget this night as long as I live,’ I whisper in an awed voice. ‘Thank you, for bring me here.’

‘The show’s not over yet, honey. I’ve still got a bit of flashing to do myself,’ he says lazily.

The words die in my throat when I see his shadowy face loom over me before warm soft lips are kissing me.


We Irish believe in faeries. The Irish fairy is not like Peter Pan’s Tinker Bell. An Irish fairy can take any form she wishes, but prefers the human form. Our elders claim that they are beautiful, powerful and impossible to resist, which really, is a crying shame, because most Irish faeries love to bring misfortune and bad luck to the mortals who come near them. At that moment in the glow of the fireflies, Snow looked like an Irish fairy.

Beautiful, powerful and impossible to resist.

And I don’t resist. The air is laden with sexual longing, I have a raging hard on, and her white skin and luscious black hair are spread out before me like an irresistible siren’s call. Come misfortune, treacherous rocks, and bad luck. I’ll deal with you later. Her mouth is warm and sweet, scented with honeyed apricots she ate earlier. Her top has a metal hook, a hole and four little buttons at the back. All in a row. Piece of cake to undo.

I pull her towards me so she is lying on her side and unbutton them. I slide my hand in and stroke her silky back.


The fireflies are still twinkling and shining around us, but I cannot look at their magic. I can only look at the beauty of Shane’s face. My blouse whispers as he tugs it off.

I smell him, his cologne, his sweat, his desire. It is all male. I can’t help but look at his cock. It is so massive, so thick, and the tip is already dripping.

‘My God! You are so big,’ I whisper.

‘Yeah, and it’s all going into you. Every last fucking inch.’

Between my thighs I am wet and aching for the feel of his hard cock deep inside me.

In a daze I reach out a hand and curl it around the thick shaft and I open my mouth. Because it’s him. Because I want that liquid that’s dripping from the tip. He puts his hands on my shoulders and I wrap my mouth around the shaft and slide down the smooth shaft. His hands are strong and aggressive. Nothing like Lenny.

He strips me quickly until I am buck naked. He pulls back and looks at me with hunger in his eyes. His fingertips slide over my body, possessively. It feels good. I want him to know that it feels good so I moan.

He stops. ‘I’m nearly ready to explode, but first I will take care of you,’ he says assertively.

He slips his hand down my hips and opens my legs, but my body knows what it wants. I lift my hips and offer my wet pussy to him.

He sinks a thick finger into me. I gasp with pleasure.

‘You’re so swollen and wet,’ he says, his eyes dark with desire.

The smell of my own desire floods my senses making me flush with excitement.

His huge cock pushes against me before slowly, inexorably pushing in. For a moment it hurts so much it feels as if I am tearing apart and I claw at his shoulder. But this pain is different from any other kind of pain I’ve endured. It’s a … good pain.

‘You’re too tight. The pain will pass,’ he tells me. His face is rough with a mixture of lust and concern.’

‘I know,’ I gasp.

‘Want me to stop?’

‘No,’ I growl. I want him inside. My body is not too tight to take him. I grasp his firm buttocks and pull him hard towards me. His cock breaks me open. The shock of the pain steals my breath and makes me freeze as he slides in.