I watch the easy rhythm of her breath going in and out. It is strangely seductive and I watch her for a long, long time. Part of me is shocked by the strength of the emotion I feel. Part of me is in awe of it. I never thought I would ever feel this way for a woman. The signs are all there.

I watc

h her slip into a restless dream. She turns and tosses. I reach out and slot my finger inside her loosely curled fist. She makes an odd sound and tightens her grip. And then, while still deep in her dream, she says the oddest thing. Something I never in my wildest dreams thought I would hear from her lips.



I wake up with my head throbbing and my body aching. I stretch and wince and then realize that I am in Jake’s bed. He is sitting at the foot of the bed watching me.

‘Good morning,’ he says softly.

I groan a reply.

‘How do you feel?’

‘Worse than yesterday.’

He stands up and comes to my side. ‘Need some help getting out of bed?’

‘I don’t think so,’ I reply, but he bends down and gently lifts away my upper body, and puts pillows under my back.

‘Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome,’ he says so close to my ear, I am filled with the fresh scent of him.

‘Have you been awake long?’

‘About an hour. I’ve got to go soon, but I wanted to get some food into you before I leave. Alicia will be around later with some magazines and if there is a book you want she can get it from the bookstore. Just call her.’

‘Am I going to be staying here tonight?’

His jaw tightens. I recognize it. He is about to impose his will on me again. ‘I’ve moved all your stuff here. You’ll be staying here from now on.’


‘It’s not open to discussion, Lily. You’re staying here.’

I lift my hands in disbelief. ‘It’s impossible.’

‘Impossible is a dare.’

‘Jake, you can’t do things like this. You can’t just move my stuff in here and tell me I’m going to be living here from now on. You have to ask me and I have to agree.’

‘Asking would imply a choice.’

I give a gasp of laughter. ‘Yes, that’s right. At least give a girl the illusion of choice.’

He folds his arms across his wide chest. ‘Would you like to move in here?’

‘I’ll stay here for a few days and then we’ll talk about it.’

‘See why asking is stupid?’

‘I’m not a child, Jake. You can’t decide for me.’

He walks up to me. ‘Don’t you get it? I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t know you are safe.’