She looked up into his eyes warm with love. ‘Yes,’ she murmured, then louder, clearer, firmer, ‘Yes. I’ll marry you.’

The visitors to St James’s Park might have looked on in amusement as he let out a joyous whoop then rose, hauling her up with him. ‘Right answer,’ he murmured, before laying his mouth against hers. Then, lips locked, he managed to twirl her around three times before setting her down.

He grabbed her hand once more and they began retracing their steps back to the Mall. ‘Do you think you can get the evening off?’

‘We have the afternoon…’


Two years later

SOPHIE smiled as she glanced out of the kitchen window while she stirred the gravy for their traditional lamb roast dinner. She loved lazy Sunday afternoons when all the family was here. Lissa and Jared were playing ball with a chubby little Arabella and a much larger Goldie while Angus chased and barked joyously between their feet. Crystal and Ian watched on under the shade of an umbrella.

They’d been back in Australia for twenty-two months now. It hadn’t taken Sophie long to decide to give up the job in favour of being with Jared. They’d completed a whirlwind tour of the UK, France and Italy but in the end they’d just wanted to get home and become husband and wife and Jared couldn’t neglect his business commitments any longer.

They were living in a beautifully renovated house with a large garden where Arabella could play when she visited, which was at least twice a week. Jared had given up his idea of condo living in favour of a more family-friendly home. Space to grow…

And miracles did happen twice. It had taken time, pain and a few disappointments, but now…Sophie touched her slightly rounded belly as she watched Jared pick up his squealing niece and toss her into the air. The modern miracle of IVF had given her a second chance. Given them a second chance.

At that moment Jared glanced at the window and she waved. She saw him set Arabella down by Lissa and walk towards the back door. Twenty seconds later he was right there behind her, their linked hands resting over their unborn child. Already sixteen weeks along and everything was fine.

Sophie had never felt healthier in her life.

‘What say we tell them the good news now?’ he murmured against her ear. ‘I don’t think I can wait till after lunch.’

‘Me neither.’ She smiled. She was doing a lot of that these days. She checked the oven, untied her apron. ‘Let’s get this celebration started.’

He took her hands and lifted them to his lips, murmuring, ‘Have I told you today how much I love you?’

‘In so many ways,’ she murmured back, kissing their joined hands.

And together they walked out into the sunshine.