‘By the time I came back from the toilet it was already too late, wasn’t it? You were itching for his dick. All the way back to the office in the car, I could smell your arousal. Disgusting.’

My mind scrambles around wildly. I have to pacify him. ‘It’s not like that,’ I tell him, my voice trembling with emotion. ‘I didn’t turn my back on you. I quit my job because I found out we were wrong about everything. We’ve all been manipulated and tricked into demonizing the wrong sections of society. The real cheats, the truly rich, are always going be out of our reach, and all we are doing is squeezing the ordinary person.’

He narrows his eyes. ‘How convenient! As soon as you landed yourself a loaded boyfriend, you’re no longer interested in protecting the poor, taxpaying public anymore, and become more concerned with not demonizing the section of society he belongs to.’

I exhale in frustration. ‘You don’t understand. I truly believed we were helping the ordinary hard-working British public, preventing them from having their pockets picked by people who didn’t pay their proper taxes, but he showed me that I was wrong.’

He pushes out his jaw aggressively. ‘I can’t believe I wasted all that time on you. You’re just a stupid bitch.’

‘I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you,’ I cry out.

He stares at me, his face hard. ‘It’s great that you’re sorry, but it doesn’t change a damn thing for me. I’ve got nothing because of you. Did you know I was happily married? She used to make steak and kidney pies for me on Sundays. And then you came, batted your eyelashes, made me want you, and ruined everything.’ He runs his hands through his hair distractedly. ‘I’ve done things for you. I even took care of Michael for you’

‘You did what?’ I gasp.

‘Yes, I broke into his house and made those phone calls so you could actually have the necessary proof and get your restraining order.’

My mouth drops open. ‘He never stalked me, did he?’

‘He didn’t have the brains to be a stalker,’ he scoffed. ‘That was me. It was always me. I was always loyal to you.’

‘Where is Michael now? Have you done something to him?’

‘Of course not. I’m not a killer. Well, I wasn’t. You are the only one capable of driving me to murder.’

He squats next to me. His crotch is so close to my face I can smell his odor: an unwashed, stale, cheesy smell. He flicks open a switchblade and brings it close to my face. It catches the light and inspires dread. Averting my gaze from it, I realize that he’s just trying to frighten me, but I can’t help the terror that floods my entire body. He’s a man who has driven himself to the edge of madness. And he’s holding a knife.

‘Look at you. You thought you could say sorry and all would be forgiven.’ Reaching out a hand he puts it on my bare knee.

I flinch. ‘Please. Please don’t,’ I beg.

His eyes are cold. ‘Don’t worry. I don’t have a big cock. I will fit beautifully in your ass.’

I shake my head with terror.

He bends closer, his eyes widening menacingly. ‘Don’t you like it up the ass? Didn’t the slimy gypsy stuff his dick up your bottom?’

‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,’ I cry.

‘No, I’m sure you didn’t mean it. However, you did. And now you can compensate me for my suffering,’ he says, and slowly runs his hand up the inside of my thigh.

I squeeze my legs shut and trap his hand. He laughs, an ugly sound. He wrenches his hand out from between my thighs and continues upwards on the fronts of my thighs. His progress is relentless. His fingers have already reached the edible panties that I wore especially for Dom. I stare at him desperately. His fingers suddenly pinch my pussy lips together and I jump with horror.

At that, lust filters into his eyes. With both hands, he tears my skirt right to my waist. He sees the chocolate arrows and a light comes into his eyes.

‘My, my, what do we have here?’

He bends his head and licks an arrow.

I start screaming, but he suddenly slaps me so hard my jaw feels like it has been dislocated. Stinging tears fill my eyes.

He grabs my panties.

My head and jaw are throbbing so bad I can hardly open my mouth. ‘Wait,’ I cry, a sharp pain shuddering through my face.

His hand stills.

‘Yes, my thoughtless actions brought you terrible pain. But are you better than me if you rape me?’