‘Of course you didn’t do anything wrong, Mum. But if you see him again, even accidentally, let me know, OK?’

‘OK. When are you coming over?’

‘This weekend?’

‘That’ll be nice. Why don’t you stay the night?’

‘Um … I probably won’t. But I’ll definitely come over on Saturday. We can do some shopping and then I’ll take you and Dad out for lunch.’

‘All right, love. Do you want to speak to your dad?’

‘What’s he doing?’

‘What do you think he’s doing?’

‘Oh, if he’s watching TV don’t bother him. I’ll see you both at the weekend,’ I say quickly.

‘Goodbye, love.’

‘Speak later, Mum.’

I put the phone down and call Anna’s office number.

‘How was it last night?’ she says with barely suppressed curiosity.

‘Er … it was great.’

‘Great?’ she explodes dramatically. ‘That’s all I get?’

‘I’ll tell you all about it in one minute. Anna, has Michael tried to contact you?’

‘Michael? I’m the last person that spineless, useless pig will call after the ear bashing I gave him the last time he tried to get me to pity him.’

‘Right,’ I say distractedly. Just the thought of having Michael in my life at this moment when everything is so wonderful and dreamlike gives me the shivers. I couldn’t go through all that again.

‘Why are you asking’ Anna queries quietly.

‘I think he called here last night, and Mum said she met him at the supermarket. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, but I just wanted to make sure he hasn’t tried to contact you as well.’

‘Coincidence? My ass! I’d call the pig right now if I were you and warn him that the injunction is still active. He’s not allowed to come anywhere near you, or your family members.’

‘Can I call you back Anna?’

‘Sure. I’m here bored out of my mind. I’d love to hear about how you sucked Mr. Eden’s fine, non-tax-paying cock.’

‘Speak to you soon,’ I say with a small laugh and cut the connection.

Right. Anna is right. The brightest thing to do is to face it head on and nip it in the bud. I dial Michael’s number. Amazing how it’s branded into my memory. I shudder at the thought that I’m again calling him.

The sound of his phone ringing echoes in my ear.

But he doesn’t pick up, so I leave a coldly brutal

message telling him to stay away from me, my mother, my workplace and all my friends. I remind him about the court injunction and tell him that if he ever calls me in the middle of the night again I’ll get the police involved. Again!

I know he definitely won’t want a repeat of what happened the last time.

I stand outside Rob’s door holding my envelope, a tight ball of nervousness in the pit of my stomach. Well, you don’t have to fear him after today. I knock on the wood