Page 120 of Deep Blue Sea

‘I’m glad we did that,’ said Adam finally.

Diana nodded. ‘I didn’t know you were coming.’

‘Well, Patty called me this morning . . .’

The conversation stopped still.

‘Here’s your house key,’ Diana said, rooting around in her bag. She handed it over to him and he put it in his back pocket. It was as if she were handing over a future she hadn’t yet lived.

‘Do you want to go for lunch? None of us really ate much in there.’

‘I’m not hungry.’ She looked at him and then away. She didn’t want to spend the rest of the afternoon with him. Not today. Not when they had just spent an hour talking about Julian. ‘Are you coming to the Boughton fair on Saturday?’

‘Am I invited?’

‘Actually, I’ve got a surprise for you.’

‘Sounds intriguing,’ he said, his eyes dancing with hers.

His smile gave her confidence. ‘Perhaps you should come and see it before Saturday.’

‘Now this really is curious. What is it?’

‘Remember you encouraged me to invest in that café? You said I needed a project.’

‘You’ve done it?’ The caution that had been evident in his expression just a few minutes earlier dissipated.

‘We’ve just tarted it up really, changed the menu. The grand opening is the day of the fair. I’m picking Charlie up from school on Friday. Maybe you could come after work on Thursday to see it.’ She felt bold, brazen saying it. Were her intentions so blatant? That she wanted to be alone with him?

She held her breath until he answered.

‘Okay. I’ll see you then. It’s the place on the green, isn’t it?’

And she smiled with relief.


‘Want to meet to get the train home?’ asked Liam on the other end of the phone. He was in London to see friends for lunch and they had a loose arrangement to travel back to Somerfold together.

‘I’ve got things to do,’ she said distractedly.

‘Want any company?’

‘No. I’ll be fine.’

‘What are you doing?’ he pressed.

‘If you must know, I’ve tracked down one of Julian’s other mistresses.’

‘Bloody hell.’ He whistled slowly. ‘So he really did get around a bit.’

‘Thanks for that insight, Liam.’

‘Where are you going?’

‘St John’s Wood.’

‘Then I’m coming with you. I’m only in Marylebone.’