Page 42 of Deep Blue Sea

Rachel looked down at the notebook she had pulled out of her bag, staring at the blank pages, wondering if everyone in Julian’s inner circle was determined to give her a hard time. She had known this wasn’t going to be easy, known that she would need her tough skin to steel her for the job, but she hadn’t quite appreciated how wretched the last few days would make her feel. It was tempting to make a run for it, head to Heathrow and get the first plane back to Thailand.

‘So, was there any part of the business that was causing him particular trouble in the weeks before his death?’ she asked briskly.

‘Possibly, but nothing he shared with me.’

‘But you were close. Julian valued your opinion,’ said Diana, her voice almost a plea, a cry for help.

Rachel knew a little about Greg Willets. He had been a hotshot at Lehman Brothers before it had gone under. Instead of being devastated, he had gone on to set up his own boutique investment house. She had heard him once talking about becoming the new Goldman Sachs. It was a big ask, but Greg Willets was the sort of man you’d bet your last dollar on. The sort of man a high-flyer like Julian would want as a sounding board.

‘Look, we talked about stuff, but there was only so far Jules would go. After all, I’m in finance, investment. He was always professional about not telling me too much stuff.’

‘And he didn’t have any problems with the business in that last week?’

‘Not that he mentioned, no.’

‘If you’ll both excuse me, I’m just popping to the ladies’.’

Good for you, thought Rachel. She had been worried about talking frankly in front of Diana, but clearly her sister understood the need for privacy. She watched Diana disappear from the dining room, then turned to Greg.

‘All right, you have about four minutes to tell me anything that you don’t want Diana to know.’

Greg snorted. ‘Ah. So the subterfuge begins again


‘I’m doing a job here . . .’

‘I believe that’s what you said last time.’

‘Three minutes,’ said Rachel flatly.

Greg held his hands open and sighed. ‘All right, ask away.’

‘How happy was the marriage?’

‘Happy enough, considering.’

She ignored the jibe. ‘Was he seeing anyone?’

Greg’s expression clouded. ‘No.’

‘I know you don’t like me being here, but there is absolutely no point in me talking to you unless you are honest with me. Was he seeing anyone?’ she repeated.

‘I don’t know,’ he said, taking a sip of his wine then meeting her gaze. ‘And if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.’

Rachel sat forward. ‘Come on, Greg, I need your help. This is for Diana. What do you know? Anything.’

‘I don’t know,’ he repeated more firmly.

‘Well, speculate.’

He looked suddenly uncomfortable. His eyes flicked in the direction of the ladies’.

‘Two minutes,’ said Rachel quietly.

‘I don’t want you repeating this to Diana, and I don’t want to read about it in the Sunday bloody Post, all right?’

Rachel gave a terse nod.