Page 78 of Original Sin

He started laughing, slowly at first, working up to a deep, throaty chuckle. ‘You have my deepest sympathies.’ he said.

‘Sorry?’ she asked, feeling her cheeks flush with annoyance.

‘I wouldn’t wish the job of taking my family in hand on anyone.’

‘Well, they’ve got you to blame,’ she smiled quietly.

‘Yes,’ he smirked, his pale green eyes flashing. ‘I guess I should thank you for that.’

‘Well you’re welcome.’

‘Although you weren’t being entirely altruistic, were you? I mean, it did all work out for you too, didn’t it?’

She took a deep breath. Working in newspapers for a decade had taught Tess not to suffer fools gladly, but Sean Asgill was the boss’s son.

‘Sean, I really don’t think … Ugh!’

Suddenly Tess jerked backwards, coughing . A girl in a long lilac sequinned dress had appeared, spraying her with the bottle of scent she was carrying on a silver platter.

‘Tess, Tess,’ said Sean, slapping her on the back, ‘it’s not acid, it’s Lupin.’

She coughed a little more, then took a long drink of her champagne.

‘Well, perhaps it’s aimed at a younger market than you,’ said Sean, with more than a hint of amusement in his voice.

‘Or perhaps if she hadn’t aimed it straight into my mouth,’ snapped Tess.

‘So you don’t like it. Millions will,’ he chided.

Tess tossed her hair back and cleared her throat in a vain attempt to regain a little composure.

‘So, I thought you’d be at the sales conference today,’ she said, trying to change the subject.

‘Hey, parties like this don’t magically happen,’ he protested. ‘I’ve been up since seven talking to the events planners.’

‘Seven? I hope it wasn’t a late night then,’ she said with a hint of sarcasm.

‘No later than usual,’ he replied, his attention beginning to wander towards a group of giggling blondes.

‘By the way, did you get my email about the charity dinners? Are you going to any of them?’

‘Are we talking about the one in honour of the UN Secretary–General?’ he asked, rolling his eyes.

‘Okay, so it won’t be very rock ’n’ roll, but I still think you should go. Obama will be there. The French President, too. In fact, give me a few days’ notice and I can fly over to accompany you.’

He looked back at her. ‘You actually want to come to a party and hold my hand?’

‘Simply to make sure we get the right photo opportunities.’

He was shaking his head and smiling. ‘Come on, Tess. This is bullshit,’ he said, lowering his voice.

‘Bullshit?’ she replied coldly.

‘This ridiculous attempt at rehabilitation.’

He lowered his voice. ‘Look. I had an overdose, yes. And thanks to you and your fearsome ambition, no one knows about it. So well done Tess Garrett and I’m sure my mother is very pleased.’

‘What are you saying?’ asked Tess, bristling.