Page 90 of Kiss Heaven Goodbye

‘No, just the usual. Sex and football.’

Sophia laughed and the blue eyes began to sparkle.

Fuck, she’s beautiful, thought Alex. Up close she wasn’t as physically perfect as the magazine covers suggested – she was only late twenties, but fine lines were already collecting round her eyes and mouth and her pale olive skin wasn’t completely smooth. But those tiny flaws almost made her more striking, more real. He searched his mind for something witty or interesting to say.

‘Drink?’ he asked.

‘Jack and Coke, thanks. I’ve got a room here in the hotel so I don’t have to stagger very far.’

‘Don’t you live in London?’

‘In New York mainly. After ten years of modelling I think I’m addicted to hotels. I just prefer them to home. They make life feel more exciting.’

‘I didn’t think you had any problems in that department.’ Alex smiled. Sophia Brand had a reputation as a rock chick, a full-on party girl. For five years she’d dated Danny Gregg the movie star, which kept the papers fuelled with decadent stories of orgies in his jacuzzi, but they had split recently in a flurry of juicy accusations of abuse on both sides. As far as Alex knew, Jez was her first new suitor.

‘So you’re in a band?’

‘Year Zero.’

‘Jez’s band,’ she squealed. ‘You’re kidding me.’

Alex smarted. Jez’s band?

‘You must be Alex.’

He grunted.‘So you’re with Jez now, then?’ he asked as he handed her the drink.

‘I like the word with,’ she said, holding his gaze as she sipped.

‘It’s suitably vague.’

She glanced over at Jez, who was now schmoozing the same record executive Emma had gone to speak to. ‘How come you’re not ass-licking your paymasters too?’ she asked with a sour expression.

‘I leave all that to Jez.’ Alex smiled. ‘He’s better at it than me. And also because I think, what’s the point? Is having a laugh and a joke with Clive Benson going to get us a US recording deal or a Billboard chart position?’

Sophia suppressed a smile. ‘Is that being idealistic or just idle?’

He laughed.

‘Can I ask you a question?’ said Sophia, stirring the ice cubes around in her drink.

‘Of course.’

‘Have you ever thought about modelling?’

‘Are you trying to pick me up?’ He chuckled. ‘I’m sure half of those slimy marketing guys over there will be asking the circus girls exactly the same question tonight.’

‘I’m serious,’ she said.

‘No, I haven’t. Why?’

‘Because you look great in jeans,’ she said playfully.

Alex could feel himself blushing again, but Sophia carried on.

‘Look, I have a contract with the fashion label Ellis Cole. I front all their advertisements – jeans, scent, underwear – and we’re just about to do a new campaign. Ellis wants to use a male model with me in this one and he kind of wants rock vibe for it. I think a great-looking musician is going to be better than a great-looking model. I saw you across the room. When you told me you played in Jez’s band, I couldn’t believe it.’

Alex couldn’t help laughing. ‘I’m flattered,’ he said. ‘But why not Jez if you want the rock thing?’