Page 127 of Kiss Heaven Goodbye

‘You got a date?’ Falk’s direct manner was legendary. He hadn’t got anywhere in his business without getting straight to the point.

Alex laughed and looked at Melissa. ‘Why do I feel I’m being set up?’

‘Obviously neither of you kids needs to work too hard for company, but Melissa’s new movie is about a failed pop singer, and . . .’

‘And you thought, “Hey, which losers do I know?”’

‘Sorry, Alex,’ said Melissa. ‘I did try to tell him how crass he was being, but you know Dave . . .’

Alex laughed.

‘Hey, talk about me as if I’m not here, why dontcha?’ said Falk.

‘It would be great to pick your brains about touring and playing small dives and so on,’ she continued with a shy smile. ‘And you don’t have to think of it as a date.’

‘Ah, don’t ruin it,’ smiled Alex

. ‘This is the best offer I’ve had in months.’

Actually, he was only half joking. He was on tour six months out of twelve and spent most of his time with the burly men who moved the stage around; even a big star needed a little help in the romance department. Sometimes all he wanted was someone to talk to who understood his life now – he felt quite sure both Emma and Grace would have ribbed him mercilessly about his entourage today: an assistant, a make-up girl, a stylist, a record company PR and a driver – but he guessed Melissa would understand how mad and unreal it all felt. And it didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous.

Martin, the director, waved at him. ‘Al, we’re ready to go again in a minute,’ he called.

Alex stood up and stretched. ‘Sorry, guys, no rest for the wicked.’ He smiled. ‘I’ll see you tonight at—’ He was cut short as he was almost knocked flying by the runner who had brought him his bacon sandwich. The boy was red-faced and out of breath. ‘Whoa, slow down there, mate,’ said Alex. ‘What’s the rush?’

‘Haven’t you heard?’ said the runner. His eyes were wide and frightened. ‘A plane has just hit the World Trade Center.’

‘What? You’re joking?’ said Falk, shooting a look at Alex. ‘How do you know?’

‘I’ve just read the tickertape in Times Square. Everyone’s yelling about it down there, it’s chaos.’

A burly man in sunglasses and an earpiece approached them swiftly from David’s Town Car. Alex had met him before; he was an ex-Navy Seal who served as Falk’s bodyguard and security adviser. He took Falk’s arm and led him to one side, speaking urgently out of earshot. Alex watched David’s expression become more grave.

‘OK, you two,’ said David, taking both Alex and Melissa by the arm and steering them towards the car. ‘You’re coming with me.’

‘Where are we going?’ asked Alex.

‘Out of Manhattan.’

‘Why?’ Alex looked behind him. Everyone was crowding around the location van watching a small television.

‘Come on, Alex,’ growled Falk, tugging his arm.

‘We can’t just leave,’ said Alex, looking to Melissa for support.

‘He’s right, David,’ said the actress. ‘What about all the others?’

‘Just get in the freaking car,’ said Falk sternly. ‘They think it could be a terrorist attack. There’re rumours of other planes being hijacked. The city might be under siege.’

‘Oh shit.’

Alex felt his heart thumping. The tall buildings appeared to be crowding in around him, each one suddenly seeming to have the capability to explode on top of them at any moment. Falk pushed Alex and Melissa into the car and they sped off across Broadway towards Eighth Avenue. David leant forward to switch the car’s TV screen on, flicking to a news channel. They watched in silence as the unbelievable footage was shown: shaky amateur film of a jet liner crashing into a gleaming skyscraper. The news cut to a reporter standing close to the tower, holding a microphone. Behind him, they could see the chaos: people in suits running away, people in uniform running towards it. There was a weird dislocation: they were watching this on the television, but it was happening right outside. Just as they crossed Eleventh Avenue, heading for the West Side parkway, the driver had to swerve to avoid two fire trucks, their lights and sirens screaming. Alex turned to look out of the window and could see a thick column of smoke rising from the south of the island.

‘Jesus, this is really happening,’ he said, glancing at Melissa. She looked scared and instinctively he reached out to squeeze her hand.

‘Look!’ said Falk suddenly, causing Alex to spin back around. He frowned, not sure what was happening on the screen.

‘Is that another one?’