Page 123 of Friend of the Family

‘You’ve got to stop him,’ she said.

‘I suppose you’re right. I don’t imagine Amy will be happy.’

It was a strange thing to say, but Juliet let it go.

‘Hurry up, then.’

Pog looked at her. ‘Are you coming?’

Juliet shook her head. It was not like her to remain passive in any situation, but she didn’t want to follow David and Karen into the dark. She was afraid of what she might see. It was one thing snogging on the dance floor; another thing entirely to go somewhere quiet.

As Pog followed David and Karen, Juliet glanced towards the bar. Amy caught her eye and winked at her. Panic fired to every nerve ending. Suddenly she wanted to know exactly what David and Karen were up to. It would be just like Pog to get distracted en route, to bottle out and give them some privacy.

She took a flute of champagne from the waiter for Dutch courage. She wasn’t a great drinker, and it went to her head almost immediately. As she moved away from the dance floor, the music grew fainter, until all she could make out was the thud, thud of a bass line. Or maybe it was her heart.

She didn’t know New College well, had little reason to come here. She knew there were cloisters and stone corridors that were perfect for secret assignations, but Pog had followed the couple into the dark depths of the garden, past the fairground rides and the happy crowds and a makeshift railing designed to keep people from exploring further. She glanced back. The college looked glorious against the background of the night sky, its honey stone shining like bars of gold bullion.

She heard them before she could see them, and slid behind the trunk of a birch tree to avoid being seen herself. The moon appeared from behind a cloud and illuminated Karen’s bottle-blonde hair and the back of David’s head. Her hands were all over him, helping him slip off his jacket, fingers burrowing under his shirt. David’s own hands rolled down the top of her green stretch dress.

Juliet gasped as they pulled apart for a moment and one white breast was exposed in the darkness. Then David lowered his head, burying it in Karen’s cleavage, settling his mouth on her nipple. Juliet closed her eyes. Why hadn’t she lent the tramp a different gown?

They were hungry now, desperate. The top of Karen’s dress was round her waist now, her long creamy legs exposed. Juliet could hear her moans even from this distance. David was making Karen feel so good, she felt her own desire stir, a tight, warm pulse of pleasure that it was impossible to ignore.

David’s trousers were around his knees now, Karen’s eager, experienced fingers rolling down the cotton of his boxer shorts.

There was something raw and unbridled about the scene. Juliet had never had a sexual experience like the one unfolding in front of her; even when she had imagined herself and David finally consummating their glorious friendship, it had never been like this.

The noises were louder now, the pair of them half naked. She couldn’t bear to watch any more. Struggling for breath, she gathered up the folds of her chiffon skirt, then turned and fled back to the ball.

Dawn light was beginning to flicker in the sky, and she knew it was time to go home. She grabbed a flute of champagne and downed it in one, desperate to numb the pain. Would David bring Karen back to the Holywell Street house? Would he have sex with her there, under Juliet’s nose? Was he that crass; was she that cheap? She had no idea.

She saw Amy still working at the bar; pouring one glass of champagne then another. It was all Amy’s fault. She had brought Karen into their lives. Into David’s bed. She felt a hatred for her housemate so strong she thought it might knock her over.

She looked back at the moonlight shining on the castellations of the college, wondering if she should run back and break up the passionate tryst. But she knew it was too late for that. Too late to tell David about her feelings, too late to stop him spoiling her final night in Oxford. It was over.

Chapter 41

Present day

‘Oh Jules. Why?’ he asked so quietly they could hardly hear him.

Amy stepped back and grasped her husband’s hand. She had no idea how he had made it across London so quickly – he must have broken every speed record to get here – but she was so glad to see him.

The sight of him had made Juliet waver, her pale, cool armour melting to the thinnest sheen.

‘Why did she have to move into the house?’ she asked, her voice wobbling. ‘I found that house. I wanted to live with you and Pog and even Max if he came as part of the package. But not her. She came along and ruined everything.’

‘Is this really what you want?’ asked David simply. ‘Our friendship destroyed, Amy crushed, Josie in hospital. What’s it all for?’

Tears started to leak from Juliet’s eyes. ‘I wanted to fix things. I’ve always wanted to fix things. Ever since the night of the Commem Ball. But I never knew how until Josie came along.’

She was crying now, deep sobs from the depths of her soul, but neither Amy nor David moved forward to comfort her.

‘Claudia’s mugging. That wasn’t an accident, was it?’ said David slowly.

They heard Juliet take a sharp inhalation of breath.

‘Was it?’ he said more fiercely.