Page 12 of Perfect Strangers

Tears fill my eyes. “Grand Central.”

And just like that, the cab pulls away from the curb and away from then henchman chasing me. Tears spill down my face as I resist the urge to instruct the driver to stop and bring me to Major. I can’t. I won’t do it.

This is my choice and it’s the right choice.

Six Years Later


Lucky Charm

The buzzing sound of the alarm blasts throughout the room, forcing me awake from my dream. A low groan escapes my lips as I stretch my arms. The shining rays from the autumn sun begs to shine through the curtains.

My legs maneuver out from underneath the bed sheets and move toward the floor. My toes touch the cool, hardwood floors, fully awaking the rest of me.

A yawn bellows from the deep as I slouch toward the bathroom. I wash up and brush my teeth, readying for the busy day ahead. I grab my robe and head toward the kitchen of the small two-bedroom apartment.

Immediately starting a pot of coffee, I turn toward the living room, and hit the remote, bringing the television to life. The morning talk show discusses the new release from Oscar winning actors. In an instant, the hit of coffee grinds brewing through hot water, send soothing chills through my nose. I breathe deep, soaking in the dark roast smell of my morning coffee.

I glance at the time, making sure we have enough time to be ready. I head down the hall, opening his door slowly, checking if he’s still sleeping. My face instantly turns into a smile as I see my little man, disheveled in the bed sheets as he snores too loud to be normal.

I tiptoe towards the bed and sit at the edge. My hand rubs his head, moving the jet-black hair flattened across his face. “Honey, it’s time to get up.”

His soft voice grumbles. “No mommy-I don

’t want to.”

I laugh, continuing to mess with his hair. “You have to. Time for school.”

I bend down to kiss his forehead and pat his butt. “Come, time to get up.” I remove the covers as he instantly lashes out in a tantrum.

I give him ‘that look’ and he stops instantly. “Yes, mommy.”

“Good, now I already set out your clothes. Go brush your teeth and I’ll make some pancakes. Sound good?”

He nods with a smile. “I love pancakes.”

“Okay, don’t take too long. I have a job interview today that I can’t be late for.”

He slides off the bed and heads toward the bathroom. I fix his bed sheets and head back to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast.

As I pour the coffee into my mug, my mind goes instantly back to the past. A past I’ve kept hidden for so long. I find myself standing in that same corner deli, the day I met Major. Tears threaten to spill as the memories of a lost love, force themselves to the surface.

It’s been six years since our night together. And even though it ended as fast as it began, it gave me the greatest joy of my life. A small tear escapes out the corner of my eye as I watch my beautiful boy enter the kitchen.

“You okay mommy? Why are you crying?”

I wipe the tear away, forcing the memories back where they belong. “Nothing sweetie. Ready for some pancakes?”


I watch him devour the pancakes and think how similar he looks like his father. A hint of sadness and regret fill me as I watch him eat. I turn to pour out the leftover coffee into the sink. Taking a deep breath, I think about how different my life would have been if I had stayed in the city.

Perhaps Major and I would be together, raising our son as a family. Or, what if something bad happened; just like before. What if Major was hurt? What if the thugs found out I had a son? Would they have threatened him too?

I couldn’t risk getting anyone else hurt which is why I left; stayed off the grid for so long. After the night with Major, I didn’t return home. Instead, I ran and hid out in a small town by the coast. It was the exact place I needed to hide after that stint in Atlantic City.

One of the major regrets of my life; thinking that gambling is always a good thing. I should have known better. Instead I let myself get roped into this crazy mess with some guy I had the hots for.