“That’s fine. Can I get your number so we can chat during the week?”
I laugh at his display of a teenage boy. “Sure.”
I give him by number just as he texts me his. I hear the faint chime of my cellphone’s ringer coming through my purse.
I unbuckle my seat belt and reaching out for the handle, I whisper, “Thank you for the ride.”
He grabs hold before I can open the door. “Now hold on a moment.”
I pause, waiting for him to say something.
“Don’t I get a birthday kiss?”
A smile spreads across my face as I sense him inching closer. I lean my body toward him just as his hand cups my cheek. My eyes travel down to his lips and I tremble slightly just as our lips touch. A spark suddenly ignites between us as we mold into one another, forming a bond between not just our bodies, but our souls. Major pulls me closer, pressing my lips harder on his as our kiss becomes frantic.
Our lips dance and swirl along the beat of our hearts, pounding against our chests, forming a melody of lost loves, finding each other again. Heat fuels my body as my breath hitches. I push further into him, crawling over the middle console. His hands grip my waist, squeezing tight as our lips frantically kiss. He moves away from mine, as he plants kisses all over my neck.
I gasp with a soft moan as the feel of his lips along my heated skin send sensations all over my body. He pushes up as I feel the bulge poking from underneath his jeans. I bend backwards, laying my back against the steering wheel, allowing him to kiss my chest.
The roaring sound of the car horn startles us both as I jump in his arms. “Shit! That scared me.”
We both laugh at the sound of our displeasure. The sudden noise brings me back from the high of his touch, as I maneuver back toward my seat.
I let out a deep breath, cooling myself as I peer at Major. “I think it’s time I head inside.”
He nods just as I open the door, letting all the cool air into the vehicle. Just before I shut the door, I pause, offering him a warm smile. “Goodnight Major. Happy Birthday.”
He winks at me, “Goodnight Sunshine.”
I giggle as I shut the car door and head toward the front entrance of the apartment building. Just as I enter, I turn to see Major speed away and into the quiet streets of Stamford. I walk up the two flights of steps, unlocking my apartment door, to see Mom crashed on the sofa. I kick off my shoes and tiptoe to Crew’s room.
Inching the door open, I peek inside the room, to see him snuggled in his bed. I shut the door and head toward my room. I glance out the window, wondering if I can still see Major’s car in the distance.
The streets below are empty but there’s one thing for sure that’s different tonight.
From this point on, everything changes.
Swan Lake
I step around the room, picking up tossed dirty clothes off the floor, and place them in the hamper. The sound of the shower stops and I hear the shower curtain be pulled, as the rings glide across the metal bar.
I step up to the bathroom door and knock softly. “Crew, you all done in there?”
My son’s voice echoes from the other side. “Yeah, mom. Just drying off.”
“Okay, I left your clothes on the bed for you. We have to leave soon, so don’t play around.”
“Yes, mommy.”
A small smile curves along my lips as I step into my bedroom and slip into a simple black dress. I glance at my reflection in the mirror and feel satisfied with my appearance. A nice, classy look for a children’s recital. With a dash of mascara and a hint of gloss, I press my lips together, giving them that plump look.
The blaring ring from my cellphone chimes from the bed interrupting my silent moment of self-appreciation. Juliette’s name flashes across the screen as I slide the green button.
Juliette’s perky voice echoes from the speakers. “Hey, are you on your way yet?”