I nod, “Yeah, I get it. So, how old are you anyway?”
He laughs. “I’m twenty-nine. You know, I’m a little surprised I don’t see you on TV. I figured you’d be hosting your own news show on one of the big networks or something. Headlining your own investigation and stories, while interviewing some New York politician or a famous movie star. You know, uncovering the hidden corruption our country exudes. Stuff like that.”
Disappointment hits me as I listen to him ask me where life has taken me. “Actually, I’m still working at the local news station in Stamford.”
He glances at me. “But you’re on the air, right?”
I shrug. “Sometimes. It really depends on the station’s needs. I’m not anchor, if that’s what you’re asking. Most of the time, I interview any witnesses and type up the stories for the anchors to read during the live broadcast.”
“Does it make you happy?”
His question catches me off guard. Does it make me happy? “Hmm? Well honestly, when I’m on air it does. I love being the one that viewers see, updating them on current events in their community. It brings a sense of importance and meaning.”
He laughs at my statement. “I’m sure you’re important to people, but not because you give them the news.”
I chuckle with him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
We drive in silence for the time being as I glance out into the dark sky. I know there’s more I want to say just as I imagine, he has plenty of things to say to me. I peek out at him, watching as he drives us north toward my home.
His strong hands grip the steering wheel, hard, twisting each inch with his hands. He catches me staring from the corner of his eye and I turn away blushing.
“What’s on your mind Dylan?”
I spit out the fasting thing that comes to mind. “Congrats on the second restaurant. The food really is amazing.”
He snickers low in his seat. “That day in the restaurant, you took me by surprise. I didn’t even know what to say to you. I never expected to see you again after…our time together.”
“I didn’t expect to see you either. We both were in shock that day. In fact, I had just come from a horrible interview and it completely bombed. I had met, my friend, Juliette for long awaited luncheon and she recommended your place.”
He faces me with a huge grin on his face. “I’m glad she did.”
I return his smile with mine. “I’m glad she did, too.”
At that moment, he grabs hold of my hand, and brushes his fingers across mine. Butterflies scatter throughout my stomach as I breathe, telling my body to cool down and relax. The feel of his touch on my skin sends flashes of memories across my vision.
I clear my throat, forcing myself to stay focused on the task at hand. Major’s hand keeps hold of mine for the remaining of the drive. Nearing my town, I feel saddened that it’s time to leave soon.
“Which exit is it?”
“Oh, it’s the next one. Then drive about a half a mile, take a left, then a right at the light.”
Major drives in silence as he follows my driving directions, before pulling onto my street. I motion toward the apartment building coming up toward us.
“It’s this building right here, on the left.”
The car pulls up to an empty spot at the curb and Major lets go of my hand to shift the vehicle into park. We sit in silence for a brief moment as I gather my thoughts, not knowing what to say next.
That deep, rugged voice whispers next to me. “I’ve missed you.”
Major surprises me what the words that came out of his mouth. I stare at him with shock as he takes off his seat belt to inch closer to me.
“I want to see you again. Don’t run away this time, Dylan.”
His display of raw emotion scares the hell out of me but instead of running, I stay put. “I don’t want to run anymore.”
At that moment, his faces beams with joy and he returns back to his normal position. “So, when can I see you again? How about tomorrow night?”
My eyes widen at this sudden eagerness. “Tomorrow? That’s not a good night. How about next weekend?”