“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to interrupt your plans. I’ll just be on my way.”
Oh my god. His birthday. No way can I lay this on him tonight.
I hurry past them before Major can grab hold of me. “No, Dylan hold on. Wait a sec.”
I scurry out of the restaurant as fast as I can. Oh god, I would have ruined his birthday. Dammit, I’m such a fool sometimes. I step out toward the curb, glancing around for a cab, but can’t see any close by.
Deciding to walk toward a busier street, I bundle up my jacket and brave the cool air as I walk, in my black pumps, laughing at the irony of this whole situation. At least I’m not stranded without any money. There’s a plus for me.
I near the next crosswalk just as I hear my name being shouted from the distance. I spin around to see Major running towards me. A loud gasp escapes my lungs as I see my handsome stranger race toward me. He stops as he reaches me, gasping for air as he breathes in shallows.
“Major, what are you doing out here? Don’t you have a birthday party to get to?”
He shrugs. “Ehh, it’s just a party. Nothing spectacular about it. I’ve had plenty of parties before. They’re all the same.”
My lips flatten at his excuse. “What about your girlfriend?”
He hints behind himself. “Who Mia? She’s not my girlfriend. Mia is just a friend. Besides, I’d rather spend my birthday with the most beautiful woman in the city.”
Heat rises to my cheeks as I pull a stray stand of hair behind my ear. Major inches closer, practically a millimeter away from my lips. “You’re not leaving this time, right?”
His words sting me right in my chest as I force to words. “I have to go back to Connecticut. I can’t stay.”
He glances up at the sky for a brief moment. “Seems to me all we have is one night again. Come on, where are we headed?”
He reaches out his hand toward me but I stay still. I glance up toward him with sorrow. “Major, I can’t go. I can’t miss the last train. I need to start heading back.”
“It’s an hour-long train ride, right? So, what’s that about a thirty-minute drive in the car?”
I glance at him questionably, “Uh, I guess.”
He grabs hold of hand as we head back down the street. “Fine then I’ll drive you home.”
I beg. “Major, please. You don’t have to do that.”
“Honestly Dylan, I just want to spend time with you, no matter how I get i
I smile at his honesty as we head toward his apartment to pick up his car. A few minutes later, we enter a parking garage, and head inside to scour for his car. Moments later, Major beeps the car, flashing the headlights. I watch as his black SUV remote starts to life.
He motions me to get in on the passenger side. “Get in. The door’s unlocked.”
I slide into the vehicle, feeling the smooth cool leather sink underneath me. “Wow, you drive an Audi? Nice.”
Major jumps in, shutting his door. “Yeah, it gets me places. Buckle up Sunshine.”
I giggle at the sudden return of my nickname as he winks at me. Major shifts the car into gear, pressing the gas as we make our way out into the city streets. The dashboard display blinks to life just as a Spotify playlist begins to play.
I glance at the screen to see a song I’ve never heard of before. Stay by Attom.
Major whispers, “You can change it if you want. I listen to this because it’s good chill / drive music. It brings me peace with a nice beat.”
I raise the volume, allowing the sound of the music to seep into my mind, melting into my seat as Major heads toward the highway. “No, I like this song. It’s different.”
“Yeah, I’m not really into the whole Top 40, you know?”