It’s been two weeks since my run in with Major and Juliette has not stopped texting to remind me of what I need to do. I’ve been putting it off for so long and these two weeks have been absolutely chaos for me.
Crew came down with a nasty virus so I had to take off work to stay at home with him, which is never a good thing. Luckily my mother was able to stay with him for a day so I could go back in and catch up on what I missed.
But as I slip into my dress, and stare at my reflection in the mirror, I can’t help but tremble at the thought of telling Major my secret. What will he say? How will he react?
I silently pray, hoping that everything will go over smooth. But who am I kidding? I’m about to drop a major bombshell and it’s all my fault.
Crew comes rushing into the room and wraps his arms around me legs. “Mommy, do you have to leave? We were going to watch a movie tonight.”
I bend to match his short height. “I’m sorry honey, but mommy has to go see someone tonight. But I promise, we can watch the movie tomorrow, okay? Or, maybe you can watch it with Grandma?”
Crew frowns and shrugs. “But Grandma always falls asleep during the movie.”
I giggle at his observation and pull my little man into a hug. “I’ll be home later tonight and give you kisses while you sleep.”
“Okay, mommy. Have fun.”
He rushes out of the room and I give myself one last inspection. A nice simple dress paired with black pumps; the exact replica of the shoes that Major broke. I figured these may bring a little good luck.
I apply a coat of lip gloss and spray a hint of my perfume, before setting on my adventure for the evening. “Mom, I’ll be back later tonight. Don’t wait up for me, okay?”
“Have fun Dylan. Crew and I have lots of plans. We’re making cookies!”
As I exit my apartment, I hear Crew yell with excitement. “Cookies? Yay!”
I smirk as I lock up and walk toward the metro. An hour train ride gives me enough time to come up with a plan of action.
How should I play this out? Should I wait till the restaurant is closed? Maybe pull him off to the side? Gosh, what if he’s not even there? Maybe I should have called ahead just to make sure.
Before I know it, the train pulls into the station and I swallow hard. Forcing myself to be a grown up, I exit the station and hail a cab. I give the driver the address of Major’s and glance up at the night sky as the cab drives through the city streets.
Sweat beads down my face as the nerves slowly beginning to catch up with me. Relax Dylan. Everything will be alright. You can do this.
Minutes later the cab slows to a curb and my eyes descend upon Major’s first restaurant. I peer inside and see a booming crowd of diners. I pay the cab fare and exit the vehicle, taking a deep breath before stepping forward.
Come on Dylan. Walk.
My foot steps forward as I walk toward the entrance and head inside. A young hostess greets me at the front door. “Welcome to Major’s. Do you have a reservation?”
My eyes glance around looking for the man I’ve come to see but he’s nowhere in sight. “Uh no. Actually, I’d like to speak to the owner. Is he here tonight?”
She glances at me with a questionable look. “Uh yes ma’am. Can I tell him who’s here to see him?”
My voice cracks with nerves. “Oh yes, tell him Dylan is here.”
The hostess nods. “Ok, sure. Take a seat and I’ll be right back.”
I clear my throat, ready to vomit I’m so nervous. I sit in the waiting area, twitching my leg as I wait in silence. My eyes travel toward the dining area and I smile at the familiar ambiance and decor of that special night so long ago. I peek at the diners as they converse with one another and eat their delicious meals.
Everyone seems so happy as they eat and I can’t help but smile at Major’s accomplishment. This is his dream and he conquered it. And now he has two restaurants.
The hostess quickly returns, motioning toward me. “Miss, he’ll be right out.”
I return a smile. “Thank you.”