The hit of a thousand bricks pound into my chest and I have the urge to suddenly hide under the table. This cannot be happening. It can’t be his place.
I shake away my silent moment of freak out and respond to the waitress. “Ah yes, a refill is fine. Can you tell me if the owner is here, by chance?”
Her eyes gleam. “Why yes, he’s in the back? Shall I get him for you?”
I panic, “Oh no, that’s--”
Juliette shrieks, interrupting me. “Yes! I’d love to meet him and tell him how amazing the food is!”
My minor moment of panic instantly turns into a major catastrophe as the waitress walks away to get the owner. I stare at Juliette wanting to scream at her, but I can’t, not wanting to blame her for what’s about to happen.
I scurry in my seat, glancing at the exit, mentally calculating how quickly I can escape this situation.
Juliette stares at me with a puzzling look. “Dylan, what the hell is going on with you?”
My voice trembles as I mumble, “Not now, Juliette. I just can’t see him. Not now.”
Her head shakes with confusion. “Can’t see who? What are you talking about?”
Just as I’m about to answer, the familiar faint of that deep voice echoes from the distance. Chills immediately flow down my spine as my heart beats a million miles per minute. I bend my head down, mentally preparing myself for this encounter.
I can sense his body inching closer from behind me and that sweet, yet sexy hint of cologne confirms my reason for this anxiety attack.
His voice greets us as he steps to our table. “Ladies, I heard you both loved the food. Thank you for coming out.”
I watch as Juliette’s eyes grow wide as she sets sight on Major and look up to see him turning toward me. I swallow hard, not knowing how he’ll react.
“It’s been a pleasure to—”
Our eyes instantly meet and flashes of our night together spill before me. From the moment he broke my shoe, to our snowball fight, and hot and sweaty night we spent in his bed.
Major and I stare at one another frozen in place. My mind wonders about what he must be thinking at this exact moment.
My heart flutters to the sound of his voice as he says my name. I stand, greeting him. “Hi Major.”
His deep dark eyes send all sorts of emotions coursing through my body as he steps closer and wraps his arms around me. My eyes close, relivin
g each tender moment we shared. He’s got that same scent I’ve missed for so long and his body is still the same, rugged build. We still fit perfectly.
He pulls away, clearly in shock. “Wow, it’s been a long time.”
Juliette clears her throat and I curse myself for completely ignoring her. “Ahh sorry. Juliette this is Major.”
He shakes her hand. “Hi, welcome to my restaurant and thank you for coming.”
Juliette smiles with grace. “It truly is amazing. My husband regularly come here often. Tell me, how did you come up with the name?”
I slump in my seat, knowing my cheeks are beet red.
Major mumbles for a brief second and glances at me. “Well, it means sunshine, which reminds me of the best times of my life.”
“Awe, that’s so sweet.”
The waitress returns the check and my glass of water and I immediately suck it down. Major lets out a deep chuckle and I resist the urge to look at him.
“Well Ladies, I’m so glad you enjoyed the meal.”